UH-1H Huey - FAMET Virtual - Hyperstealth KA2 (Fictional)

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UH-1H Huey

UH-1H Huey - FAMET Virtual - Hyperstealth KA2 (Fictional)

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - GADGET1
Date - 10/10/2015 18:26:11
Skin featuring a fictional Spanish Army´s FAMET SpecOps AB-205 ET_269 in real Hyperstealth KA2 Desert and used by the Spanish FAMET Virtual (member of Asociación Cultural de Simulación Aérea) for online flights.

Updated: October, 27th, 2015

* Markings replaced by realistic Spanish Army's FAMET over the Hyperstealth Desert pattern.
* Pilot Helmet collection removed, to be available as a separate download.
* Other minor fixes on the skin pattern.


This a ficticious skin featuring the Hyperstealth KA2 Desert Camo (http://www.hyperstealth.com/ADP/ and http://www.hyperstealth.com/supersonic/), this time on a Spanish ACSA Virtual FAMET UH-1H "Huey" ( http://www.simulacionaerea.org ) to take part in its online flight activities.
This a very effective digital camo designed by HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp. ( http://www.hyperstealth.com ) and very attractive. The package also contains a collection of several flight helmets, to suit our Huey pilots.
Thank you for sharing.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 6.78 Mb
  • Downloaded: 976
  • Comments: 2