UH-1 ILS approach IMC, (medium hard)

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UH-1 ILS approach IMC, (medium hard)

Uploaded by - Rodd
Date - 08/28/2015 02:23:40
UH-1 IFR mission.  Weather is windy, 110m visibility in fog & rain. You have to take-off & perform an ILS approach at Kobuleti! This mission will test your IFR piloting skills.  Mission time 10-20 min.

Kobuleti ILS freq. 111.50 course 070°, NDB freq. 490. Take-off, fly heading 290° climbing to 2500', speed 100kts, after 4 min, turn left heading 160° & intercept the ILS course 070°. Remember to correct for wind from the right side. Fly the ILS at 70-60 kts until you see the runway. Tips fly it just like a Cessna! Follow the taxi-ways to your departure point & land. Good luck!
Weather Kobuleti: wind 110 at 9 m/s, visibility 110m in fog & rain.
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