Tacview 0.95a

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Tacview 0.95a

Type - Utility
Uploaded by - EvilBivol-1
Date - 07/01/2010 00:27:41
Tacview is a flight assessment utility for the Lock On and DCS series, as well as some other titles. Tacview records mission events in real time and plays back using ACMI-type (Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation) symology. This provides for a post-mission review capability in real time and 3D space, including movement of units, weapon trajectories, etc.

Program credit to Vyrtuoz.

For more information, see:
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 119.25 Mb
  • Downloaded: 2920
  • Comments: 0
Tags: tacview, acmi, tracks