Macross/Robotech VF-1 Livery Pack 2 (V2) for DCS World/Flaming Cliffs 3

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Macross/Robotech VF-1 Livery Pack 2 (V2) for DCS World/Flaming Cliffs 3

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - Flogger23m
Date - 07/01/2015 08:21:38
VF-1 Livery Pack 2  for DCS World/Flaming Cliffs 3 - By Flogger23m

***Version: 2.0***

A recreation of the Vermillion Leader, Max, Miriya & VF-1A Serial Production liveries from Macross: SDF/Robotech.

Redistribution of these files is prohibited.


Cut/paste the two folders to the following directory:

/Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Bazar\Liveries\F-15C

The liveries can be found by selecting the following in the mission editor:

UN Spacy VF-1A Serial Production
UN Spacy VF-1J Max
UN Spacy VF-1J Miriya
UN Spacy VF-1J Vermilion Leader

Usable by both the US & Israel. Feel free to delete the image files once installed.

This livery/skin was tested in DCS World version 1.2.16 and compatibility may become an issue in future updates of DCS World.

***Version: 2.0 Change List***

- Corrected VF-1J Vermilion Leader texture. Center red ribbon now has white cut out.


Simply delete the following folders:

F-15C VF-1A
F-15C VF-1J Max

VF-1 Livery Pack 2 for DCS World/Flaming Cliffs 3 - By Flogger23m
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 41.41 Mb
  • Downloaded: 2005
  • Comments: 2