Gelb - 23rd Tactical Fighter Squadron

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Gelb - 23rd Tactical Fighter Squadron

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - karambiatos
Date - 04/16/2015 01:51:42
Gelb Squadron camouflage for the Su-27, a squadron from Ace Combat Zero

Gelb Squadron camouflage for the Su-27, a squadron from Ace Combat Zero

Unzip the file into

DCS World\Bazar\Liveries\su-27

after that it will show up in the editor as a selectable skin

UPDATE: Really sorry to who ever downloaded this, and didn't get the skin to show up properly, I did a bit of a booboo and you can either redownload or change the description.lua, find every empty.tga,false and change it to empty.tga,true.

UPDATE 2: The texture felt a bit too stale, so it's been dirtied up a bit, hopefully it'll look more lively now.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 10.23 Mb
  • Downloaded: 2161
  • Comments: 7