L’Ossétie du Sud vient d’élire un nouveau président. L’ancien leader - prorusse – conteste les résultats et il vient de demander de l’aide à la Russie afin de rester au pouvoir. La Russie a répondu favorablement à sa requête et plusieurs divisions blindées russes ont déjà traversé le tunnel de Roki. Elles se dirigent actuellement vers Tskinvali, la capitale de l’Ossétie. Bien évidemment, la Géorgie condamne cette intrusion qu’elle considère comme un casus belli. Le gouvernement géorgien a en ...
Data: 02/03/2024
La semaine dernière, la Syrie a acquit six drones chinois de type “WingLoong”. Leurs capacités de reconnaissance et d’attaque représentent une menace pour nos troupes déployées à proximité. Ces drones se trouvent actuellement sur la base aérienne de Tabqa, et comme leur envergure ne permet pas de les parquer sous les hangars, ils ne bénéficient d'aucune protection particulière. Nous ne savons pas combien de temps ces drones resterons sur cette base aérienne et nous devons saisir rapidement ...
Data: 01/24/2024
Our RED COALITION forces were able to inflict severe damage to the Israeli air force and air defenses. Our Kuwaiti F/A-18Cs (or Pakistani F-16Cs) now have a clear path to go perform Close Air Support on the coast of El Gora in Egypt. We will rid a town of Israeli invader Merkava tanks and troops. We will also strike remaining border air defense sites. FOR THOSE WHO WANT A FUN CO-OP MISSION ON THE RED SIDE ON SINAI MAP! Meant for 3 players, either as F/A-18C or F-16C, not both at the same time ...
Data: 06/17/2023
Diplomatic efforts have failed and China have captured Rota International Airport. Main Objective: Destroy the 5 IL-76MD aircraft at Rota International Airport. Secondary Objective: Destroy the 2 Mi-8MTV2 helicopters that landed on Pagan Island. Bonus Objective 1: Damage the Type 071 Amphibious Transport Dock. Bonus Objective 2: Protect the S-3B Tanker. Bonus Objective 3: Sink 1 Chinese Stranded Ship. Bonus Objective 4: Check on the South Korea Cargo Haul. Bonus Objective 5: Destroy ...
Data: 03/24/2022
- Version 1.9 - This mission takes place in the Persian Gulf. Terrorists have launched an offensive from their stronghold in Iran and are in the process of taking over various islands in the straight. Listen to mission tasking for prioritization of targets. Available aircraft are: A-10C, A-10C II, AJS-37, AV-8B, F1-CE, F-5, F-14, F-15, F-16, F-18, J-11, JF-17, M-2000, MiG-21, MiG-29, Su-25T, Su-27, Su-33 Ka-50, AH-64, UH-1, Mi-8, Mi-24 -- Briefing A powerful terrorist group has ...
Data: 02/05/2021
- Version 1.7 - It's Capture the Flag ... but the most expensive version imaginable! Red Airport = Sochi Blue Airport = Gudauta All aircraft are Air spawn, north of your home airport. The Enemy Airport is Waypoint 1 (Current heading after spawning in), Your Home Airport is Waypoint 2. The first team to 30 points wins. - Capturing the flag is worth 10 points (if you capture it, the flag resets and you can capture it again) The Flag is the colored smoke at the enemy airport. - ...
Data: 10/17/2020
WWII Just Dogfight Multiplayer Multiplayer mission English DCS: World 2.5 P-51D Mustang Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution 120
Data: 04/30/2020
This is my personal modification to "Batumi Dispatch" by "thesithis".  Contact me if there is a problem posting this work in progress.  WW2 assets pack required.  Fixed overlapping sound files.  Changed smoke markers, red is a hot landing, green safe.<br /><br /><br /> Most trigger zones are set to activate below 1000 agl, and below 100kts. SAR/S&D operations.  Batumi is a hot zone full of rebels.  The "F10" other menu shows up blank now, but if ...
Data: 10/12/2019
Military Command has selected two target area for this operation.  Sector 28A, the Minab Dam Sector 62P, The Islamic Republic of Iran Southern Railyard. These target areas are essential in containing the growth of military grade materials for the Iranian Nuclear Program. The Minab Dam is gearing up to produce high outputs of electricity and the rail yard in critical in stopping the transportation of materials. This mission is the continuation of prior operations in the area; Operation ...
Data: 02/17/2019
A multiplayer mission covering a variety of disciplines in a fictional scenario based on the Caucasus map. 20 total slots across 6 platforms give everyone a role to play in this combined air-to-air and air-to-ground mission. Modules included: F-16- CAP F-15E- Ground Attack A-10- CAS F/A-18 - SEAD AH-64D- CAS UH-1- Transport Situation: Dabu forces have launched an invasion of their southern neighbor, Yerba. The Yerbian military was caught completely by surprise and unprepared for ...
Data: 10/06/2017

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