Operation Strike Twice

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DCS: World 2.5
F/A-18C Hornet

Operation Strike Twice

Caricata da - Chopper A-10
Data - 17.02.2019 01:28:07
Military Command has selected two target area for this operation.  Sector 28A, the Minab Dam Sector 62P, The Islamic Republic of Iran Southern Railyard.

These target areas are essential in containing the growth of military grade materials for the Iranian Nuclear Program.

The Minab Dam is gearing up to produce high outputs of electricity and the rail yard in critical in stopping the transportation of materials.
This mission is the continuation of prior operations in the area; Operation Knockout, Operation Krypton and Operation Top Down.

Operational orders came with the President’s approval for these two strikes.

Mission Air Threats:  Consist of SAM sites, AAA, and MIGs.  MIGs/F-4s are on alert in both locations. 

Requires DCS Mod
US Navy Deck Equipment


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  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 4.51 Mb
  • Scaricato: 684
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