TF-51D Extreme Survival (difficulty level 10000000000)

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DCS World 2.7

TF-51D Extreme Survival (difficulty level 10000000000)

Type - Mission Solo
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Date - 06.11.2021 15:07:34
Thinking what's the use of the TF-51D mustang? Well, I have a very fun mission! You and 3 other TF-51Ds are being attacked by 4 F-14s, 4 F-16s and 4 F/A-18Cs, all set to Ace skill level. Your task is to survive for AT LEAST 10 MINUTES. But there are rules! You can not run to any airport. You are not supposed to land on the open fields themselves unless your engine has given up (be careful, they still try to shoot you down even after you have landed and stopped!). You can not eject unless your wings have clipped off or you see your tail fly in some other direction other than your plane. Some tips to survive? Stay low (treetop level at least), stay fast and keep loitering and jinking. Listen to the calls made by your teammates. YOU ARE NOT EXPECTED TO SURVIVE. GOOD LUCK!

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LMFAOWROFL laughing my f****** a** off while rolling on floor laughing
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Ne Pas Redistribuer
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Taille: 9.22 Ko
  • Téléchargé: 152
  • Commentaires: 2