Bf 109 K-4 Summer 1940 Yellow

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Bf 109 K-4 Kurfurst

Bf 109 K-4 Summer 1940 Yellow

Type - Skin
Uploadé par - TLF-02
Date - 01.02.2019 22:47:34
Inspired by early war Bf 109s with yellow noses, tails and wing tips. Hope you like it, and if you do don't forget to rate it :) Place the livery folder into Disk:\DCS World OpenBeta\Bazar\Liveries\Bf-109K-4
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Distribution non limitée
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Taille: 7.47 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 723
  • Commentaires: 4
Tags: Bf 109 K-4
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