The Liberation of Gracemeria - Ace Combat 6 OST; Menu Music replacer for Flaming Cliffs 3

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The Liberation of Gracemeria - Ace Combat 6 OST; Menu Music replacer for Flaming Cliffs 3

Type - Son
Uploadé par - WiredrawnMurder
Date - 15.11.2018 05:26:35
Replaces the Flaming Cliffs 3 module theme music with The Liberation of Gracemeria from Ace Combat 6

*Updated 03/03/2021*

Saddle up boys and girls, it's time to go Dance with the Angels!

I noticed a lot of love for the Ace Combat series on the user skin section, so I thought I'd contribute my own love of the series to the community in the only way I know how: A music replacer!

Now available for F-15C and Flaming Cliffs 3 (F-15C version is a separate mod: is The Liberation of Gracemeria! Please nose that this is the WHOLE song, it's 7 minutes and 24 seconds long. It didn't feel right shortening it (plus the track doesn't really have anywhere for me to shorten it without making it sound weird).

JSGME compatible. If you want to manually install, simply place the 'Mods' folder directly into your DCS directory (C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World or C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World 2 OpenAlpha/Beta by default) and overwrite when necessary. Remember to make a backup in case you want to keep the original music!

**As always, I do not claim ownership of the sounds included in this replacement, just the work required to make it ready for DCS**

Update 1.1: Finally got around to updating to the new file structure.
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Distribution non limitée
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Taille: 14.54 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 270
  • Commentaires: 0