A 2-flight of MiG-21bis will have take out 3 enemy positions that are blocking our ground force Troop Alpha. They will also have to destroy an artillery battery. A SEAD Su-25T is available and OP23 will be dropping flares upon targets at your request. Targets are harder and randomized.
The enemy, though thinned, has dug-in with artillery support in Gulch 63B. You are tasked with eliminating them at Waypoints 2, 3, and 4 as well as the artillery battery
Except for the CAP Patrol and a lone Su-25T (444), you are the lone available asset for this task. When you have cleared the area, Troop Alpha can move forward to their stop-line.
If the anti-aircraft screen is too much, your can order up a SEAD strike from a SEAD Su-25T
Good luck