Su-25T Weapons Training

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Su-25T Weapons Training

Type - Mission Solo
Uploadé par - DarkFire
Date - 11.01.2015 17:24:59
Training mission for Su-25T pilots. Use your weapons to practice destroying air defence, ground and sea targets around Batsumi airfield.

This is a small training mission I created to help myself learn how to use the various weapons that the Su-25T is capable of carrying. Your task is to use whatever loadout you see fit to destroy a range of targets at an enemy airfield.

There's actually quite a bit going on so if the mission kills your frame rate let me know & I'll post a clean version without all the 'flavour' activity.

Feel free to make any adjustments that you wish. If anyone wants to translate the mission then again please feel free...
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Distribution non limitée
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Taille: 1.5 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 3798
  • Commentaires: 3
Tags: Su-25T, training