Skin representing F-5 delivered by the USAF to the South Vietnam Air Force, during the Vietnam War. Skin que representa a los F-5 entregados por la USAF a la Fuerza Aérea Survietnamita durante la guerra de Vietnam. After the USAF program "Skoshi Tigers" was completed in Vietnam, 12 F-5 were delivered to the South Vietnam Air Force. The nickname "Tiger" in the F-5 come from these F-5 "Skoshi Tigers" program. Una vez completado el programa "Skoshi Tigers" ...
Date: 10/24/2016
This aircraft was one with the most missions in the Skoshi Tiger evaluation program. Almost the entire nose of the aircraft is covered with Vietnam mission markings. Este avión fue uno de los que más misiones voló en el programa de evaluación "Skoshi Tiger". Casi todo el morro del avión está cubierto con marcas de misión en Vietnam. F-5C Skoshi Tiger. 12 F-5A Freedom Fighters were tested by the US Air Force for four and a half months in Vietnam. F-5C Skoshi Tiger. Designación ...
Date: 10/24/2016

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