Was let down by the default Ka-50 menu theme so i made a custom one, since all others didn't really fit or had blurry not HD images. Now the Ka-50 menu is worthy to stay with all the others. ---------------------- I AM NOT THE OWNER OF ANY OF THE IMAGES OR SOUNDS, CREDIT GOES TO THE RESPECTIVE OWNERS. You can find the image here: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/downloads/screenshots/610/ Listen to the song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGbwmi3NmsI "Star Power& ...
Date: 03/25/2024
- Réalisez le fantasme de nombreux pilotes d'hélico de combat, anéantir une base à vous seul, en vous approchant furtivement, comme le loup vers sa proie. - Mission en Français - - Personne ne s'imaginait que cette base ennemie ultra défendue serait un jour attaquée. - Et personne n'aurait pensé que cette attaque serait exécutée par un homme seul (ou 2 ou 3 si vous êtes en COOP). - Le Black Shark va se faufiler au raz du sol, se cacher derrière des obstacles, et anéantir cette base sans se ...
Date: 01/06/2024
Syrie - En Ka-50 aux couleurs françaises, protégez le commando qui va débarquer du sous-marin pour libérer les otages des NARCO trafiquants. ============================================== O p é r a t i o n N A R C O ============================================== - Mission en FRANCAIS - Armée Française - - Un sous-marin va débarquer un canot avec 5 soldats commando sur une plage. Le groupe va s'introduire dans la maison des ...
Date: 01/06/2024
This is my version of a Royal Navy Westland Wildcat skin for the Blackshark Enjoy Empty the zip skin file into this folder X:\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Liveries\Ka-50_3 X = your drive Skin English Any version Ka-50 Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute 12/22/2023 15:45:09
Date: 12/22/2023
BS2 Georgian Oil War campaign converted to use the BS3. Ive converted the BS2 Georgian Oil War campaign to use the BS3. The campaign is made up of exactly 100 different mission files. Something to do with different outcomes depending on your performance I guess. All I know is that it meant I had to load up and edit every single one of the 100 files. Naturally, I haven't had a chance to fully test it yet, so do let me know if theres any issues. V1.0 - Converted all BS2s into BS3s. - ...
Date: 01/09/2023
- Realize the fantasy of many combat helicopter pilots, annihilating a base single-handedly, approaching stealthily, like a wolf to its prey. - No one imagined that this ultra-defended enemy base would one day be attacked. - And nobody would have thought that this attack would be executed by a single man (or 2 or 3 if you are in Multiplayer COOP). - The Black Shark will sneak low to the ground, hide behind obstacles, and annihilate this base without showing itself. - WARNING : - If you ...
Date: 11/03/2022
Indian Navy Ka-50 "Fictional" Skin English DCS: World 2.7 Ka-50 Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute 07/02/2021 20:35:05
Date: 07/03/2021
U.S. Army, 10th Mountain Division, C Troop 6-6 Ka-50 “Fictional” Fictional C Troop 6-6 Outcast skin inspired by the units OH-58s used in Iraq Skin English DCS: World 2.7 Ka-50 Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute 07/02/2021 20:27:26
Date: 07/03/2021
... an enhanced checklist for the Ka-50 Black Shark. It includes optimized startup, takeoff ...
Date: 06/18/2021
Fictional Varcolac Skin for the Ka Install it in, C:\Users\[your user name]\Saved Games\DCS openbeta\Liveries\KA-50, remember if you don't have the folder just create it on your Save Games folder (OB or S version) enjoy and take care everyone. Skin English Any version Ka-50 Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute 02/06/2021 23:25:40 6.0000
Date: 02/06/2021

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