This is a highly accurate representation of 90-0817, sporting the great Wild Weasel tail made for the PACAF demo team. Included are a custom helmet, gloves and patches to represent the team! An update is coming soon to provide an option for the clean black ventrals, as the jet is currently flying. !! Due to the filesize being over 300mb you will have to download a .pdf here with a link to the file, sorry for the extra step ;) !! These jets are a complete rework of the stock F-16 to ...
Date: 06/23/2022
This pack features three incredibly detailed liveries for the F-16 to represent jets flying for the 13th and 14th out of Misawa these days with nice 'squadron-combo' mixed 13th14th FS tails. These jets also flew as demo birds for the PACAF demo team. Each jet has unique weathering, and a ton of custom texture options, including, as first releae, my completely reworked gear textures! Apart of the weathering these livery comes with a ton of custom textures, for pylons, fuel tanks, travel pods and ...
Date: 08/28/2021
Digital camo and no camo version. * Removed generic numbers* Special fictional livery of the 14th Fighter Squadron 'Fighting Samurai'. I did those for myself, so i just picked a random squadron for my special tail. The AN/AAQ-128 textures are included too. Credits go out to lee1hy for the beautiful textures on which my skin is based. Download the beatiful mod 'NEW F-16C USAF standard airframe livery' here: For a better looking ...
Date: 10/12/2020

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