Belkan Air Force M-2000c- Ace Combat Zero (31st FS) Cpt. Marco Metzender, Cpt. Jorg Lehmann

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Belkan Air Force M-2000c- Ace Combat Zero (31st FS) Cpt. Marco Metzender, Cpt. Jorg Lehmann

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - TheMrSir46
Date - 08/29/2018 13:33:08
Ace Combat Zero, Belkan Air Force M-2000c, Schakal Squadron, 4th Air Division, 31st Tactical Fighter Squadron

[Pilot Data]       Aircraft No.45
Name: Marco Metzender
Schekel 1-1
Age 29
Status: Shot Down            

He was shot down over the Futuro Canal by Ustio Air Force fighters during Offensive Campaign No. 4101.  
After the Belkan War,  he retired fr om the Belkan Air Force and returned home, wh ere services for returning
war veterans provided him with the means to attend the University of Dinsmark as an economic major.
he now works at a private firm in Sudentor.

[Pilot Data]       Aircraft No.46
Name: Jorg Lehmann
Schekel 1-2
Age 31
Status KIA

Retiring from the Belkan Air Force in 1988, He became a mercenary pilot. He fought in various fronts
around the world but returned to the Belkan Air Force at the war's outbreak. He was shot down and
killed in a battle over the Futuro Canal.

The 4th Air Division, 31st Tactical Fighter Squadron Schakal is
an ace squadron of the Belkan Air Force. Seeing action during
the 1995 Belkan War, Schakal Team collaborated with the Gabel
and Postler Squadrons in the defense of Futuro Canal.

Schakal Team's only known action during the Belkan was is their involvement in
Offensive Campaign No. 4101, a joint Osean/Ustian assault whose objective was to gain a naval
advantage by clearing the Futuro Canal sector of all Belkan forces. Schakal Team sprung to action
when attempting to defend friendly troops in the southern sector of Futuro, during Operation Gelnikos.

The Schakal aircraft were attacked & destroyed by elements of the 66th Air Force Unit Galm in their
attempt to defend the Canal, like their Postler & Gabel allies.

to install extract files to SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DCSWorld\CoreMods\aircraft\M-2000C\Liveries\M-2000C
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 19.62 Mb
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  • Comments: 1