Two-Pin Hedgehog

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DCS World
A-10C Warthog

Two-Pin Hedgehog

Загрузил - DragonShadow
Дата - 23.11.2013 14:40:16
Two-Pin Hedgehog (v1.1.1)
Co-operative mission supporting upto:
2xGround, 2+2(Hot)x A-10C, 2+2(Hot)xKA-50, 4xSU-25T, 2+1(Hot) UH-1H, 2+1(Hot) Mi-8MTV2
(Recommended 2-6 players: GC + CAS)
(Higher difficulty, 4-10 players: GC + CAS)
- by DragonShadow

First we must stop the enemy advancing on the town of Inozemtsevo and our airfield. The situation out there may call for some unconventional tactics. Then we will strike back and silence the SAM site threatening our air forces at Podkumok. Remember, to succeed we must co-operate and depend on friendly forces to take out the threats greatest to us. Finally, to be victorious our ground forces will occupy the armor base of Mirmyy. Good luck!

Aimed at:
Players comfortable with the Ground Commander, KA-50, A-10C, SU-25T, UH-1H or Mi-8MTV2 in combat or CSAR tasks and start up. Moderate difficulty level.
If you want more challenge or to scale up for more players, simply run the higher difficulty version!

Official forum thread:

* Co-op and single player support. Note: Difficulty higher for single player.
* A mission design based on co-operation between air and ground forces, rely on each other to win the day!
  A ground commander is recommended, but the mission can also be finished through issuing commands to ground forces with the F10 radio menu (Hint, units aim better when they are stopped.)
* Major enemy positions are randomized every time you fly the mission, no mission will be quite the same!
* Up-to-date tasking will be given even if a player enters the mission in the middle of it. Re-tasking can also be requested from the F10 menu, no more guessing what state the mission is in.
* Several scripted events await you along the way, and should luck not be with you in the ground war - some reinforcements are still standing by.
* A whole optional CSAR/CAS based side mission that runs parallel to the main one. Should you succeed in your task, your team will be rewarded! If you want to fly the Huey or Mi-8, you won't be left out.
* Dynamically generated CSAR operations every time a pilot succesfully ejects, or if crew survives from a destroyed ground unit.
  Provided by MEDEVAC script from RagnarDa, with some modifications and integration to the mission.
* Limited resources of war through the warehouse functionality, but plenty to go with.

* Speed, Grimes and everyone else involved with MIST (MIssion Scripting Tools)
* RagnarDa for creating the MEDEVAC script.
* Hagios and OddLizard for their aid with alpha testing and some suggestions.
* The VSAAF (Virtual South African Air Force) for their aid with beta testing and feedback.

Initial build time: About three weeks with lots of scripting, testing and continued development.

Freeware, distribution allowed as is with all files and attributions intact.
All rights otherwise reserved, unless specifically agreed upon. (It's ok to ask.)
  • Лицензия: Свободная - Бесплатная версия, С файлом лицензии
  • Язык: Английский
  • Размер файла: 2.46 Мб
  • Скачано: 2270
  • Комментариев: 9
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