Iran-Iraq War: Bats and Cats

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DCS World 2.8
F-14 Tomcat

Iran-Iraq War: Bats and Cats

Загрузил - gkenny200
Дата - 01.04.2023 16:43:18
April 5, 1983.

The Iran-Iraq War has been continuing for the past few years, with combat across air, land, and sea. Iraqi air raids have been a constant threat for which the dwindling number of F-14s and their phoenixes have been assigned to intercept.  CO-OP 2-9 Players.

CO-OP 2-9 Players (At least 2 Tomcats required, human GCI possible). This is a relatively short mission designed to put you in a hypothetical intercept scenario with the F-14 against Iraqi aircraft. It features radio messages, slight randomization, and a kneeboard.

A detachment from the 82 TFS has been forward deployed to Shiraz International Airport to bolster the air defenses along the southern front of the conflict along the Persian Gulf. With the depletion of AIM-54s and F-14s since the start of the war, most F-14s have been relegated to air defense roles over Iranian territory.

One of the most pressing threats has been the Iraqi Mig-25s, which have been used successfully in deep raids and reconnaissance into Iran via gaps in radar and SAM coverage. Due to their impressive speeds, the only aircraft with the hope of intercepting these aircraft are the F-14s, and even then with only a brief window of opportunity.

As such, rotating crews from the detachment of F-14s at Shiraz have been on constant Alert - 10 status since their arrival. Your flight, Saif 1, has had the Alert duty since 0500 L this morning.

If scrambled, depart Shiraz airport along runway 11R and proceed towards Waypoints 1 and 2 to establish a CAP track. Tune into GCI net and check in with "HAFEZ" for futher instructions.

Wind: 8 kts @ 290
Clouds:SCT 14/17 FEW 27/29 BKN 40
Precip: None
QNH: 29.92

Intraflight - Red 1
Hafez - Blue 2

NOTES: This mission will not work with the Easy Communications option enabled, as there are radio triggers/messages/check ins.

Even if a human GCI is present, you must still complete the radio check-ins for the mission to work properly.

This mission is designed to be played co-operatively, with at least 2 Tomcats.

This mission is designed to test your intercept geometry skills in the F-14 in a limited time window. The estimated total time for this mission is 30-40 minutes.

This mission is designed to be played with this Iranian F-14 skin:

Thanks to Blue for the help with this mission, as well as Blackhawk and Perfk for testing.

Please feel free to reach out with any comments about the mission.

  • Лицензия: Свободная - Бесплатная версия, Неограниченное распр.
  • Язык: Английский
  • Размер файла: 3.67 Мб
  • Скачано: 236
  • Комментариев: 0