Akula Group (Flight 1-2)

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Akula Group (Flight 1-2)

Тип - Текстура
Загрузил - MonoChromaticPencil
Дата - 19.02.2023 02:48:42
My wingman's personal skin, feel free to modify and repost it as you wish, just remembe to link this one ;3 The Группа Акула is a fictional group of independent renegade fighters from all over the globe, who organized themselves into a mostly cohesive unit. The group operates mostly like a PMC, and is usually contracted to fill in for weak or poorly equipped air forces, such as in Africa and in the Middle East, and currently also operating in Ukraine to recruit soldiers from both sides. The origins of the group are unknown, but it's believed that it started in a former soviet airbase in late 1991 as pilots and mechanics found themselves whitout a flag they believed in. No politics, no flags, only sharks.
  • Лицензия: Свободная - Бесплатная версия, Неограниченное распр.
  • Язык: Английский
  • Размер файла: 71.23 Мб
  • Скачано: 51
  • Комментариев: 0
Теги: Mig 21, akula
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