Training Missions for the JAS 39C Gripen aircraft Mod

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DCS World 2.7

Training Missions for the JAS 39C Gripen aircraft Mod

Загрузил - Rudel-Chw
Дата - 26.06.2022 13:34:21
Карта - Marianas
These are a set of nine training missions that I did earlier year for the Gripen JAS 39C aircraft Mod. I offered them to its developers, intended for them to be distributed along with the Mod.

However, as the Mod's next version is taking longer than expected, the Mod developers agreed to let me release them separately, so that they can be used by new users of this great aircraft Mod.

These missions are meant for the A/G version of the Mod, so that it does not require you to own the F-15 of DCS. The non-weapon missions can still be used by the A/A version.

Also, I set the missions on the Marianas Map, in spite of it having less performance than Caucasus, simply because I'm bone-tired of editing missions for the old Map, please bear it with me.

I also added a Gripen entry for the DCS Encyclopedia, not related to the missions, just wanted the Mod to feel more complete.

Get the Gripen JAS 39C Mod here:

Missions 10 through 14, requires the well known 476th Fighter Group Target Range objects Mod, get it here:

To install, simply uncompress the zip file on your \Saved Games\DCS\ folder.

If you find any bug with these missions, please report them on this thread:


v1.0 - 8/Jan/22. Initial release, for Gripen Mod v1.8.0
v1.2 – 27/Apr/23. Updated missions to work with JAS39 v1.8.5.
v1.2.1 - 29/Apr/23. Fixed a bug with the Encyclopedia that prevented the use of the Gripen BVR version.
  • Лицензия: Свободная - Бесплатная версия, Не для распространения
  • Язык: Английский
  • Размер файла: 72.72 Мб
  • Скачано: 784
  • Комментариев: 6