A generic PRU Blue Spitfire for DCS 2.1 Normandy Map.
Unzip the file and place the folder into your Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World 2 OpenAlpha\CoreMods\WWII Units\SpitfireLFMkIX\Liveries\SpitfireLFMkIX folder. Choose UK as country and "PRU Blue" as skin in mission builder.<br />
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Included are code letter and serial number characters, both in medium sea grey, so you can assign any aircraft letter and serial in the mission editor. This Spit skin only uses a single large character for aircraft identification, and a full 5-digit serial. For best results, enter the info like this in the mission editor:<br />
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For an aircraft marked "J", serial BF273, enter JJJBF273 into the mission editor.<br />
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For an aircraft marked "Z", serial PL476, enter ZZZPL476, etc.