DCSW A-10c - Single Player Missions (Patch for game) (v1.55x)

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DCS World 1.5
A-10C Warthog

DCSW A-10c - Single Player Missions (Patch for game) (v1.55x)

Загрузил - MadDog-IC
Дата - 01.02.2017 07:40:00
This is the A-10c Single Player Missions that come with the game by default, that has fixes applied to make missions work as originally intended. (New update done on 27-04-2017)

These missions are all Eagle Dynamics original work, but over the course of time, patches, and programming errors have arisen to break the missions, so I have corrected them as best I can and to make them a little more realistic and to work properly.

Installing the replacement Updates
- Copy the "Mods" directory from the Downloaded ZIP file into your "..\DCS World\" directory and overwrite all files.
- Run DCS missions from DCS as usual

Fixes Done by MadDog-IC

Changelog 1.2 (Updates) at 27-04-2017
- Mission (KASHURU GAP)
    - Changed all ESP SEAD flights - US, Waypoints and speeds, Attack orders,loadout, faulty skins.
    - Changed all NETH CAS flights - Waypoints and speeds, faulty skins.
    - Changed all US CAS flights - Start points and time to take off.

Changelog 1.1 (DCS 1.55x Testing) at 30-01-2017
- Changed - All Win condition flags to FLAG=100
- Changed - All sound files changed from .wav to .ogg (Mono 22khz or 44kzh) format to cut down on size of missions.
- (BUG) Ground vehicles waypoints - if you have multiple groups going over same bit of road with different speeds some groups will swerve off road and stop permanantly. (BUG)

Changelog 1.0 (DCS 1.2.16 Testing) at 26-06-2016

Mission - CSAR.miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for US-Cas, US-Cap and US-Sead Flights
    - Fixed - (THRT4)-Mi-24v Helicopters spawn in when (SANDY)-uh-60 is in Thrt4 zone
    - Added - Smoke markers for Sandy LZ

- Waypoints
    - Player A-10c - Changed waypoints to coinside with take off pattern from runway
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircrafts set to sead -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All CAP aircrafts set to cap -a -x and Engage in zones set.    
    - Added "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999

- Units
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - CAS, SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - CAP Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Working Fine    
------------------------ DONE

Mission - Defend Camp Yankee.miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice Overs for US-Boar2
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999

- Units
    - Fixed - (Ins Mtr-1) was not set as late start
    - Fixed - JTAC line of site issues - Darknight1 (Yankee North) and Darknight 2 (Yankee South).
    - Fixed - JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns on Jtac vehicles target assignments
    - Fixed - All corrupt Arty Fire at Zone commands
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - CAS Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - Hideout.miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Command, Cap, Sead, Hawg and overhauled some flags for radio comms
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircrafts set to sead -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All CAP aircrafts set to cap -a -x and Engage in zones set.    
    - Added "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999

- Units
    - Hideout - AAA was set to invincible, made Normal so it can be detected and killed and so mission can continue
    - Player A-10c (AI Pilot) - Release from hold position on Flag(86)=true
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - CAS, SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - CAP Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE (Was very complicated)

Mission - Free Flight - Black Sea - Air Start.miz
        - Free Flight - Black Sea - Ramp Start.miz
        - Free Flight - Black Sea - Runway Start.miz
- Triggers
- Waypoints

- Units
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Just converted into new mission format for completeness.
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE (No work needed)

Mission - In the Weeds.miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Command - Basic
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.

- Units
    - A-10c Player Aircraft, waypoints changed and altitude lowered (700m MSL) to avoid Sa-11 sams when set to AI testing.
    - A-10c Player Aircraft, changed payload to AGM-65D+H and Mk-82 bombs
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - CAS Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - KHASHURI GAP.miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Hawg 1-1, Hawg 2-1, Hawg 3-1, Colt3-1, Colt4-1, Command
    - Fixed - Hawg2-1, Hawg3-1 radio remove, etc
    - Fixed - Esp-Sead 2 not being called in to take out SAM's
    - Added - Missing Scoring
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircrafts set to sead -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Changed - Most flights speeds and altititudes to stop them crashing.
- Units
    - Fixed - (Esp-Sead 1) and (Esp-Sead 2) to have SEAD weapons as they had no weapons at all
    - Changed -  (Neth Cas1), (Neth Cas2) F-16's load outs
    - Fixed - All corrupt Farps (Missing names and frequencies)
    - Fixed - All corrupt Arty "Fire at Zone" commands
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - CAS, SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Command
    - Adjusted Illumination BOMBS to proper height of 1500m and at 5 minute intervals
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircrafts set to sead -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
- Units
    - Adjusted timing on Sead to arrive when area lit up
    - Adjusted AFAC so can designate targets
    - Fixed - All corrupt Arty "Fire at Zone" commands
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - CAS, SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - (BUG) GEORGIAN-SEAD can't hit the side of a barn, With anti-radiation KH-25MPU or KH-58U missile fall short or goes long and misses) (BUG)
    - (BUG) Illumination BOMBS set to drop at height of 1500m, but are released at 2200m so don't light ground, set to 1000m to fix (BUG)
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE (Night 01:30) (BUG)

Mission - OVERWATCH.miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999

- Units
    - Fixed - JTAC (Moonbeam 1) line of site issues.
    - Fixed - JTAC (Moonbeam 1) incorrect frequencies and callsigns on vehicles target assignments
    - Fixed - US-AFAC (Pontiac 1) line of site issues.
    - Fixed - US-AFAC (Pontiac 1) incorrect frequencies and callsigns on vehicles target assignments    
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - CAS Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - RIVER RAIDER.miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.

- Units
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - CAS Flights - Reaction to Threat = Passive Defence, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Fixed - Win condition, flag=1 (already used in radio command) set to Flag=100
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.

- Units
    - Fixed - JTAC (Deathstar 1) line of site issues.
    - Fixed - JTAC (Deathstar 1) incorrect frequencies and callsigns on vehicles target assignments
    - Fixed - US-AFAC (Colt 1) line of site issues.
    - Fixed - US-AFAC (Colt 1) incorrect frequencies and callsigns on vehicles target assignments
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - CAS Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - SITTING DUCKS.miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.

- Units
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - CAS Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Working Fine
------------------------ Done (VERY SIMPLE MISSION)

Mission - SMERCH HUNT.miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Scoring.
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.

- Units
    - Fixed - JTAC (Warrior 1) line of site issues.
    - Fixed - JTAC (Warrior 1) incorrect frequencies and callsigns on vehicles target assignments
    - Fixed - US-AFAC (Uzi 1) line of site issues.
    - Fixed - US-AFAC (Uzo 1) incorrect frequencies and callsigns on vehicles target assignments
    - Fixed - All corrupt Artillery "Fire in Zone" commands
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - CAS Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - SUNSET SIERRA.miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice Overs for Command=Maddog-IC.
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircrafts set to sead -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All CAP aircrafts set to cap -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999

- Units
    - Fixed - JTAC (Firefly 5) line of site issues.
    - Fixed - JTAC (Firefly 5) incorrect frequencies and callsigns on vehicles target assignments

- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - CAS, SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - CAP Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE (Night 20:00)

Mission - SURROUNDED.miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Fixed - Couple of Voice overs for Mission fail and success.
    - Added - Scoring
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999

- Units
    - Fixed - JTAC (Finger 1) line of site issues (are not within line of sight of targets so will not call out)
    - Fixed - JTAC (Finger 1) incorrect frequencies and callsigns on vehicles target assignments
    - Added - US-AFAC (Enfield 1) with correct line of site.
    - Added - US-AFAC (Enfield 1) with correct frequencies and callsigns on vehicles target assignments
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - CAS Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - SERPENTS HEAD.miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Outlaw-6
    - Added - Scoring
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - A-10c Players WP10 attack unit (INS-HQ) corrupted entry

- Units
    - Fixed - FAC (Eyeball 1) line of site issues
    - Fixed - FAC (Eyeball 1) incorrect frequencies and callsigns on vehicles target assignments
    - Fixed - (G MI-24) flights loadout as it was completely empty.
    - Deleted (INS-HQ1) and moved (INS SACRIFICE 1) next to (INS-HQ) as this is the proper target shown in the briefing pictures.
    - Fixed - (Ru-evac) helicopter, wasn't set to late start, as per trigger to activate it.
    - Added - (Ru-evac) helicopter pickup and escape to Nalchik AFB logic.
    - Fixed - All of (INS Mobile Command Centre) vehicle waypoints as it wasn't tracking on road correctly and would not get to trigger point Ru-Evac.
    - (BUG) Fixed all vehicle waypoints from escaping area as they weren't tracking on road correctly and would not get to trigger point Ru-Evac, also set No-dispersion (BUG)

- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - CAS Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - INTERCEPT Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE (Lot of work) (BUG)

Mission - SERPENTS TAIL.miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice Overs - for SEAD Strike, BOMB Strike and Command    
    - Added - Activate other US support flights to take off in harmony with A-10c (Player) to coordinate time on Target.
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD Aircrafts set to Sead -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All CAP Aircrafts set to Cap -a -x and Engage in zones set

- Units
    - Fixed - A-10c Player, WP3 and WP10 attack map object corruptions
    - Changed - Weapons load out on US-Sead for a better SEAD package of mavericks and Harm missiles.
    - Changed - Weapons load out on US-Ground attack for maverick and Gbu-10 heavy bombs for mass destruction.
    - Added - US Tankers and AWACS.
    - (BUG) - GBU-10 now underpowered or Bunkers too hard, Needs 5-10 bombs to kill one bunker (Added extra explosion boost triggers to kill bunkers). (BUG)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - CAS, SEAD, BOMBER Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - CAP Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE (BUG)

- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Changed - Total rewrite of logic for target groups.
        - (Truck, APC, Tank and Air Defence groups will all spawn at the next level, only when all previous targets in all groups are destroyed)
        - (Was stupid the way it was spawning a group of the same type every time you cleaned out an area.)
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Aligned all airports to correct coalitions

- Units
    - Added - FAC (Axeman 1) at FM 30.00 mhz so can practice with JTAC targeting the SOFTS group (AUTO marking enabled).
    - Added - FAC (Axeman 2) at FM 30.00 mhz so can practice with JTAC targeting the APC group (WP marking enabled).
    - Added - FAC (Axeman 3) at FM 30.00 mhz so can practice with JTAC targeting the TANK group (Laser marking enabled).
    - Added - FAC (Axeman 4) at FM 30.00 mhz so can practice with JTAC targeting the AIR DEFENCE group (IR marking enabled).
    - (BUG) - JTAC radio calls seem to work in general so long as their on the 30.00 mhz FM frequency. (BUG)
- Scoring
    - Added - Soft Targets, IFV + APC, Tanks, AAA (25 points for each group of vehicles)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - CAS Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - Time of day from 07:00 to a dawn at darker (05:45) so can see LASER and IR pointers with night vision googles.
    - (BUG) - US FAC / JTAC
        - When using IR pointer to mark target, not always visible in the night vision googles (Might not be turning on due to radio glitch).
        - If you ask for SNAKE light it is visible and moving around.
        - When using LASER to mark target, You can lockon to it with the A-10c TGP LSS mode fine but no visible beam from jtac in the night vision googles (Should it visible ???).
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE (Night 06:00) (BUG)
  • Лицензия: Свободная - Бесплатная версия, Неограниченное распр.
  • Язык: Английский
  • Размер файла: 14.99 Мб
  • Скачано: 1944
  • Комментариев: 9
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