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Mosquito FB VI
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Mosquito FB VI
Uploaded by - jonsky7
Data - 22.02.2024 14:30:02
Map - The Channel
The Channel Map,
WW2 Assets Pack,
DCS Mosquito,

A full low level bombing raid into southern France early in the morning. From cold and dark to landing post mission. About 1 Hour to an hour and a half in duration.

A scripted Navigator helps with Navigation and other cockpit duties.
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, non ridistribuire
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 15.09 Mb
  • Scaricato: 102
  • Commenti: 4
DCS World 2.8
Mosquito FB VI
Uploaded by - tttiger
Data - 21.12.2023 22:59:19
On 21 March 1944, Lt. Lou Luma (USAAF) and F/L Don MacFadyen set a record by shooting down three German aircraft and damaging 22 others on a Day Ranger mission over France. They raided two Luftwaffe airfields guarded by AAA and German fighters and returned safely to RAF Ford Air Base.

Source: 418 RCAF Operations Records in the Canadian National Archives

Skins by 313_Paegas:
Luma's Moonbeam McSwine:
MacFadyen's Standard Night Camo:
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 110.78 Kb
  • Scaricato: 118
  • Commenti: 0
DCS World 2.8
Mosquito FB VI
Uploaded by - tttiger
Data - 07.12.2023 21:05:03
By April 1945, Germany was evacuating its entire Norway garrison to reinforce its troops defending Berlin against the rapidly advancing Red Army. The German Navy commandeered every serviceable merchant ship in Norway to transport its soldiers and equipment.

On 11 April 1945, Norwegian Mosquito scouts sighted a convoy of merchant ships departing Porsgrunn loaded with German troops heading south. Wing Commander Junior Simmonds was assigned to lead a force of Mosquitos and escorting Mustangs to intercept the German ships.

At the same time a force of Luftwaffe Bf-109G14s was assigned to provide air cover to the convoy.
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 21.46 Kb
  • Scaricato: 151
  • Commenti: 0
DCS World 2.8
Mosquito FB VI
Uploaded by - tttiger
Data - 29.11.2023 00:57:14
Source: "A Separate Little War" By Andrew Bird

By the spring of 1945 the Russians were advancing along the Baltic Sea coast of Germany. Rather than risking the capture of their remaining U-Boats, the German Navy began evacuating them to the only bases they still considered secure: Norway. The route available was through the Kattegat, which had been heavily mined by the RAF forcing the submarines to run on the surface in narrow lanes cut by German minesweepers.

The Kattegat thus became a major hunting ground for the Banff Strike Wing's Mosquito FB VIs in the closing months of the war..

This is an historic mission. You will face considerable flak. Be careful!

Banff Strike Wing Skin by MaximusRZ:

Mosquito attacking U-Boat video:

  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 16.58 Kb
  • Scaricato: 205
  • Commenti: 3
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Mosquito FB VI
Uploaded by - tttiger
Data - 24.11.2023 00:12:51
It is April 2, 1945. You are Wing Commander "Jacko" Jackson-Smith (pictured) leading a Banff Strike Wing raid on German merchant ships anchored at the Famnaes Shipyard in Sandefjord, Norway.

Skin: Banff Strike Wing:

Film: RAF Attack on Nazi Shipping:

South Atlantic Map required.
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 16.38 Kb
  • Scaricato: 132
  • Commenti: 0
Tutte le versioni
Mosquito FB VI
Uploaded by - tttiger
Data - 17.11.2023 00:45:11
This is a training mission for Mossie drivers who want to fly with the Banff Strike Wing against German shipping along the Norway Coast. It is designed to give you practice at engaging with the 25-pound rockets the Banff Strike Wing used (they tried the Mossie Tsetse with the large cannon and rejected it in favor of 5-inch solid tipped rockets, which they decided were more effective).

First, a highly-recommended training film on the RAF doctrine on using rockets against ships:

And second, an RAF film on the Banff Strike Wing's activities over Norway:

Banff Strike Wing Skins by MaximusRZ:

All AAA has been placed on Weapons Hold. If you feel very brave, go into Mission Editor and place them on Weapons Free. If you feel suicidal, place some AAA on the hilltops above the ships.

Requires the South Atlantic Map.
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 11.31 Kb
  • Scaricato: 139
  • Commenti: 0
DCS World 2.8
Mosquito FB VI
Uploaded by - tttiger
Data - 26.09.2023 00:11:28
By 4 November 1956, Israel had captured all of Sinai except for the Egyptian artillery position at Ras Nasrani and the Egyptian Army headquarters at Sharm El Sheikh. Israel's primary objective in the conflict had been to end the Egyptian blockade of the Straits of Tiran. The artillery at Nasrani was firing at every Israel ship coming from or going to the port of Eilat. Your mission is to knock out those guns.

Excellent Israeli Mosquito skin here:
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 13.24 Kb
  • Scaricato: 118
  • Commenti: 0
DCS World 2.8
Mosquito FB VI
Uploaded by - tttiger
Data - 22.09.2023 21:29:52
After the morning attack on the Egyptian division headquarters, four of the same Mosquitos returned in the early afternoon to strike the Al Arish Air Base, being used to store army supplies and equipment. Afterward, they found a static train west of Al Arish and several Egyptian Army truck convoys moving along the highway.

Excellent Israeli 1946 Mosquito skin here:
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 28.15 Kb
  • Scaricato: 115
  • Commenti: 0
DCS World 2.8
Mosquito FB VI
Uploaded by - tttiger
Data - 16.09.2023 22:23:05
After Egypt nationalized he Suez Canal (and took it out of French and British control), the French, British and Israelis invaded Sinai. Israel had been blockaded from shipping to and from Asian ports and its primary goal was to end Egyptian control of the Straits of Tiran (see maps). Although most aircraft on both sides were first generation jets, Israel still used the prop-driven Mosquitos and P-51s as its ground attack aircraft. The first Mosquito attack against a major target was the 31 October 1956 attack on Al Arish, the Egyptian governmental and military headquarters in the Sinai. You are the attack leader.

Zed Tank's excellent skin here:

Historical background:
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 15.29 Kb
  • Scaricato: 133
  • Commenti: 0
DCS World 2.8
Mosquito FB VI
Uploaded by - tttiger
Data - 07.09.2023 22:03:27
On 26 June 1943, Squadron Leader Charles Moran took one of the new Mosquito FB VIs on a night intruder mission to Avord airfield where he found the runway fully lighted and German bombers circling. He then flew home via Mantes where he found a German freight train.
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 20.88 Kb
  • Scaricato: 124
  • Commenti: 0