WW2 style simulated heavy flak (DCS 1.5.2/2.0 compatible)

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WW2 style simulated heavy flak (DCS 1.5.2/2.0 compatible)

Tipo - Mod
Caricata da - Stonehouse
Data - 18.05.2014 11:29:06
A script that allows mission builders to add simulated heavy flak to their missions along with an example mission to help understand how to actually add it to your mission.

Mistv4.1.61 required https://github.com/mrSkortch/MissionScriptingTools/releases

** Updated to version 3.4  updated license terms, add random skill, fix description of usages, link to youtube documentary

Original flak script created by Sithspawn and then this was taken further and developed and enhanced to get to the current script by Stonehouse

This script allows the mission builder to add 5 forms of flak to the mission:
(1) a zone based version that creates random flak bursts over the associated trigger zone at 1 second intervals
(2) a vector based system that simulates a flak battery tracking individual targets and making attacks on them. This is also attached to a trigger zone and allows for different average skill levels to be assigned to the flak battery which affects rate of fire and spread of shots.
(3) a time of flight based system that is also attached to a trigger zone which creates target co-ordinates and time of explosions and a flak manager that checks this list of co-ordinates and times and creates bursts when and where required for all time of flight based flak on the map.
(4) A vector based flak similar to (2) which is attached to a unit rather than a zone. Intended to simulate flak from a maritime unit but the unit could be something else.
(5) A time of flight based flak similar to (3) which is attached to a unit rather than a zone.  Intended to simulate flak from a maritime unit (probably naval rather than merchant) but the unit could be something else. This also requires the flak manager as does (3).

See these threads http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=121894  http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=2097638&posted=1#post2097638 and http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=2103195#post2103195 for more information.

If used in your mission please give credit to Sithspawn and Stonehouse. Particularly as Sithspawn who came up with the original concept.
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 10.78 Kb
  • Scaricato: 2591
  • Commenti: 10
Tags: flak, AAA, WW2
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