Ace Combat - Allied Joint Jet Pilot Training Program F-5 Pack

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F-5E Tiger

Ace Combat - Allied Joint Jet Pilot Training Program F-5 Pack

Tipo - Livrea
Caricata da - AWACS_Bandog
Data - 21.04.2024 19:08:37
The 47th Flying Training Wing was Established in 1968 to provide pilot training for the West Clavis Air Force. In years that followed, other Osean Ally nations would send both students and instructors to Mitchell Air Force Base in Harwood, Osea, for Undergraduate Pilot Training.

Since 1996, a Staff of mostly Osean, Emmerian, and North Point instructors teach a student body from the Usean continent, Janosia, West Clavis, and Aurelia, as well as Ustio, Sapin, Osea, North Point, and Emmeria all go through the rigorous undergraduate pilot training in AT-29’s and then TF-5E ‘Tigers’.

The Two primary TF-5E Squadrons for the 47th are 495th Flying Training Squadron ‘Spearheads’ and 496th FTS ‘Black Cats’.

Word vomit title aside, this Doesn't represent any units within the Lore

Comes with two skins

* 495th Fighter Training Squadron "Spearhead)

* 496th Fighter Training Squadron "Black Cats" (Required skin)

Pilot wears unit-accurate patches.

Hope you enjoy!

Please contact me on Discord at AWACS_BANDOG#7420 for any questions or bug-reports, thanks!
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, non ridistribuire
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 116.64 Mb
  • Scaricato: 115
  • Commenti: 0
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