Operation Iraqi Freedom- Western Desert Escort

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DCS World 2.8

Operation Iraqi Freedom- Western Desert Escort

Caricata da - RocketmanAL
Data - 03.10.2023 18:17:44
Multiplayer mission based on a notional Allied armored sweet of the western Iraqi desert during Operation Iraqi Freedom. A-10s, OH-58Ds and AH-64s will work together to identify and destroy enemy armored forces.

Modules included:
A-10- CAS

V1.0- Initial Release
V1.2 (June 2024)- Added Kiowa and updated brief

The invasion is progressing smoothly so far, with less-than-expected resistance forming. In the western desert, the armored Corps are making good progress, trying to clear areas used to launch SCUDs in the first Gulf War. As they move forward FOBs are being set up to support forward operation of A-10s, OH-58Ds, and AH-64s. As the sun rises the Corp faces the first organized defensive line fr om the Iraqis.

Multiple Iraqi armored columns are positioned ahead of our route of movement. We need to take them out so the armored columns can move east toward their objectives. One group of scouting forces is screening a defensive line. A-10s and AH-64s will be supporting from nearby FOBs. Units of the Republican Guard are rumored to be nearby.

Load-up and depart to engage enemy tank columns. Make your way to WP 1, which is a crossroads wh ere the Iraqi forward line of defenses has been identified. Destroy any enemy armor present so the tanks can move east. Be prepared for pop-up targets as there are reports of Republican Guard units in the area.

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V1.0- Initial Release
V1.2- Added Kiawa
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 4.11 Mb
  • Scaricato: 437
  • Commenti: 5
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