F15E_T16000m, TWCS & Keyboard profiles

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F15E_T16000m, TWCS & Keyboard profiles

Caricata da - Nygbaby27
Data - 28.06.2023 10:40:59
F-15E   Joystick, Throttle & keyboard profiles plus layout picture. (F15E.Rar)

These are just my preferences & i´ve tried to make them conform with my other planes etc.  Also i play mainly in VR, so you may also wonder why they are like they are. Also I don't use WSO, so no profile for him/her yet.

This is also a work in progress as the F-15E is new to me too, so go easy, hope it helps  ;)

***Remember to bind the *MODIFY* button to your TWCS to get all the buttons working, also TDC Slew & Radar elevation are in axis commands.
Edit: I recommend re-mapping the Radar elevation to the paddle. This way it won't keep wandering away.

F-15E  Joystick, Throttle & keyboard profiles plus layout picture.
Unpack the rar file & copy the three .lua files to where your own profiles are saved. the picture is the layout guide.
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  • Lingua: Inglese
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  • Commenti: 1