Sending a message at Gecikale

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Sending a message at Gecikale

Caricata da - jlancon
Data - 05.10.2021 06:37:44
You are a Mirage 2000C pilot in the Hellenic Air force.

In an act of blatant aggression and predictable hubris, Turkey has once again attempted to station a flight of F-16s on the Cypriot airbase at Gecitkale. Satellite photos show the fighters parked on the ramp alongside their support aircraft, a single C-130.

In the past, this sort of thing has been seen as posturing and met only with disdain and token gestures - not today.

Command wants to send a message.

Your objective is to attack Gecitkale airfield with runway denial bombs, stranding the Turkish fighters there and causing international embarassment while avoiding any Turkish casualties.

Some indication at site of unguided AAA (likely BOFORS) and MANPAD activity, but this is likely to be light as a C-130 can only carry so much when it also has to support fighters.

Stay low on approach to avoid detection by Turkish SAM radars and AWACS to the North. Intelligence suggests that a flight of F-16s are stationed on ready 5 at Incirlik, and may be scrambled to intercept you. You will have no CAP support due to the long range nature of the mission, and the falcons are likely carrying the AIM120C. Do not engage unless forced to do so.

It is recommended that you drop tanks at or around waypoint 2. You are cleared supersonic past that point.

Exfil South, staying low and fast. If you hang around or try to make a second pass at Gecitkale, you will likely be shot down. If the Turk fighters get close, make a break for the friendly SAM umbrealla on the southwestern side of the island.  

Land at Paphos airfield (TACAN 79X, ILS 108.90, WP7) to rearm and await further tasking dependent on how the Turks react.
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 16.82 Kb
  • Scaricato: 437
  • Commenti: 2
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