P51 Nevada Mail Man

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DCS: World 2.5
P-51D Mustang

P51 Nevada Mail Man

Caricata da - xsdnax
Data - 29.10.2019 10:46:53
Intermediate - Advanced Flying Difficulty! (No combat).

I wanted to make a mission to fly offline in Nevada map that gives the P51 some out back, off-track strips to takeoff and land. I created the strip, but having just 1 set of cones to land between soon became a little boring, so I decided to create 4 in different locations with a little backstory to make a mission out of it, then spruced it up a bit with details and moving trucks waiting for your deliveries, so I could share it with you!

*You are covering for the flying "mail man"
*Land at all 4 custom built strips along route.
*Estimated total time: 30minutes.
*All stops are custom built 2,000ft strips, over dirt terrain, marked by tyres.
*Terrain will be slightly uneven here and there, but each stop has been well tested to be accessible.
*Screen hints given along way re; Navigation (easy route) so you can focus on the flying / approaches etc.

Requires: P51 Module and Nevada map (aka Las vegas / NTTR)

Mission begins sunrise, 06:20hrs

Wait for the arriving truck to bring you the mail, and deliver it to the 4 stops.
Although the mission is not timed, the suggested times are displayed as you go.
Each dirt strip is appx 2,000ft in length and 120ft-150ft wide.
Once you land, pull over and STOP near the waiting car - wait a few moments to deliver the mail.
You will see the car drive off to deliver the mail about town - at this point, take off, follow prompts/map to continue to the next hop.

There is deliberately not much flying between each point - about 3 minutes, with light winds and turbulence, and is really to test your ability to land on the slightly uneven dirt terrain within shorter stopping distances, and takeoff again. Obviously the mail delivery is a good excuse to try out different locations. All of this is made possible by the increased terrain heightmap resolution of this map, over the stock caucuses, which makes it more realistic, more interesting and above all, a fun challenge to do.

Have fun, and please give any useful feedback - thanks, Foxxy.Trotty (in game name). This mission is one of those that's a pleasure to "test" because it's what I wanted.
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 2.89 Mb
  • Scaricato: 377
  • Commenti: 1
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