Band of BuDs - Ep.1 - Another Day in Paradise

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DCS: World 2.5

Band of BuDs - Ep.1 - Another Day in Paradise

Caricata da - GTFreeFlyer
Data - 31.07.2019 00:47:16
A great mission packed with voiceovers that is different each time you play it.  Play it single player or multiplayer co-op.  All the popular planes, and Hueys in the Persian Gulf.  When playing single player, you can control the other aircraft via the F10 comm menu and tell them what to do.  You can also choose different aircraft each time you play, so that the game play is fr om a different perspective each time.  There are many ways to complete the objectives and I'm very curious to hear how you go about doing it!  Mission time is limited to two hours, otherwise the enemy moves in under the cover of darkness and things won't go so well.

It is set up as a "Tower Defense" type game wh ere you have enemies spawning around a central location (all randomized), and they make their way towards a central location which you must protect.

Follow the discussion and stay up to date here :

Version 2.2 (May 12, 2020):  Now includes optional enemy bandits and multiple bug fixes.
Version 2.3 (September 30, 2020):  Added A-10C II.  Removed Frogfoots and A-10A.  (note: Looks like ED changed sunset time.  Mission now ends at sunset, not 30 minutes afterwards)
Version 2.5 (April 19, 2022):  Added 4 Apaches.  Added 30 minutes to the mission time (Now 2.5 hours instead of 2 hours).

One hour ago, Hercules 1 was en route with 22 souls on board traveling home for the holidays.  Radar contact was lost shortly after an emergency was declared 60 miles north of Bandar Abbas.  The nature of the emergency is unknown. No communications have been received ever since.  A combat search and rescue effort is now underway to locate possible wreckage and look for survivors.  Hercules 2 has been dispatched with airdrop reinforcements as a precaution in case there are survivors.  If a rescue is required, you are to assist in the effort.  There is no time for a formal briefing.  Bullseye, waypoint 2, is the search area.  Move out!

Credits (in alphabetical order):
Apache600 as South Watch
Baltic Dragon as Hercules 2
Boddman as Overlord
Cleric as Bravo Lead (East)
Gunfighter as Hercules 1
Pinball as West Watch
PXRanger as Bravo West
Stingray as North Watch
Vandal as East Watch

Written and Directed by GTFreeFlyer

All voice actors are BuDs.  For more information please visit

Please send feedback, suggestions and bug reports to GTFreeFlyer (ED Forums), GTFreeFlyer#4080 (Discord), or email GTFreeFlyer at yahoo. Thanks!
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, non ridistribuire
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 11.41 Mb
  • Scaricato: 779
  • Commenti: 11
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