AV-8B Betty sounds - V1.3

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AV-8B Betty sounds - V1.3

Tipo - Audio
Caricata da - al531246
Data - 10.03.2018 17:59:35
Changes the 'bitching betty' and cockpit warning sounds for the AV-8B aircraft.

This mod changes all the bitching betty and warning sounds to be accurate to the AV-8B Bu 163519 and before according to the A1-AV8BB-NFM-000 flight manual. During this period of the aircraft's alert system there were only warning tones, no voice alerts. This mod DOES NOT pass Integrity Check as of 17th September 2021.

V1.0 - Initial release
V1.1 - Updated - 5th August 2018
V1.2 - Updated - 14th July 2019
V1.3 - Updated - 9th February 2020

ED updated the Integrity Check with DCS and expanded the scope to cover almost all game modifications. This mod will probably break IC as of DCS I have not updated the mod to pass IC as this isn't possible. If you disagree with the new IC please write your complaints in this thread - https://forums.eagle.ru/topic/282040-custom-cmds-lua-now-breaking-ic/

Fixed the sound file names to match up to the current naming scheme. All files have are now tones as opposed to voice alert.
In this version I have included the fix for the Harrier's RWR tones. The sounds are now correct for the AN/ALR-67. If you prefer the original RWR sounds simply delete the folder named "RWR" from this mod.
Correct maneuvering tone is also included in this version.

UPDATE: 14th JULY 2019
Updated the sounds to be compatible with the AV8BNA as of the time of upload. All alerts that were tone-only prior to the USMC AV8BNA software update (post Bu 163519) now have the correct tones assigned. Some voice alerts that did not have tones prior to the update were added by the USMC but I have not removed or silenced them. Those sounds will not be touched by this mod. I have also corrected the maneuvering tone sound alert for the AV8BNA to be correct to the real jet.

NOTE: 8th MARCH 2019
RAZBAM has updated the sounds, added new tones and voice warnings. The sounds added by RAZBAM are authentic for the US Harrier. Having said that I have not yet updated the mod to match the current file naming structure. You may to edit some of the sound file names in this mod to replace the default sounds.

The sound files have now been updated by RAZBAM and are correct AFAIK. The Harrier we have in game (Bu 163853) doesn't use warning tones, instead it uses voice alerts i.e. "Caution" or "Bingo". On Harrier's that were prior to Bu 163519 only warning tones were used. You can use this mod if you wish to simulate an older model AV-8B or if simply enjoy the change of sounds. Either way RAZBAM's sounds are now accurate.

Please let me know of any bugs or inconsistencies.
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 1.11 Mb
  • Scaricato: 2514
  • Commenti: 4