A radical Islamic Terrorist Organization known as 'IRF' has occupied a valley near the Turkish/Syrian border. They've setup a checkpoint, stormed surrounding villages and locked down the largest town in the valley, Armanāz, with heavy defenses. They have taken control over the region and are setting up a weapons and arms turnaround point in town, presumably in order to push further towards the Turkish/Syrian border. US ground troops have successfully advanced into the occupied villages, ...
Date: 03/30/2023
Single or Multiplayer mission (up to 4 aircraft). Installation:  Download and place the file in C:/users/(username)/Saved Games/DCS/Missions Situation:  You are a Pilot in the Czech Air Force stationed in Georgia, and your country needs you.  Your squadron Commander wants to present his daughter with a fly over during her birthday party on a boat along the shore near Kobuleti.  Successful completion of this mission will reflect favorably on your next evaluation report.  Screw it up and you ...
Date: 03/11/2019
... an SH-37 (Recon-version). Short and exciting mission Russia has ...
Date: 02/02/2017

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