In Expansion, you are a part of an ongoing larger battle to conquer the region. You are free to choose your own aircraft and mission (be it close air support, CSAR, combat patrol or similar). Expansion is similar, and inspired by, the fabulous "Foothold" series of missions created by Dzsekeb. The mission starts with BLUE side holding only one airfield: Nalchik. AI will assign tactical objectives as it sees fit. The battle progresses around you in real-time and responds to your actions ...
Date: 05/04/2024
Esquemas del Mi-8/17 de la Fuerza Aé ... for the Peruvian Air Force Mi-8/17 Grupo Aéreo N ...
Date: 04/30/2024
This is high-realism mission for proficient helicopter pilots who want a flying challenge. Commercial cargo hauling in the Mi8 Hip, UH-1 Huey, and Sa342 Gazelle. Extensive effort put in to create a realistic, dynamic flight environment. Features 6 voice actors and many dynamic voice events that depend on your actions. Multiplayer and Multi-Crew capable. 12 helicopter slots in total. Singleplayer works too. Cargo sling loading is optional to complete the mission, but it really adds to the ...
Date: 04/29/2024
V.22 - - - Fliegen Sie Außenlasten vom Hafen in die Stadt, oder von A nach B. Zahlreiche Funksprüche unterstützen Sie dabei und mit Funknavigation (ADF, bzw FM-Homing) finden Sie leicht den jeweiligen Bestimmungsort. = = = Bei einem Brandbekämpfungs-Einsatz füllen Sie Ihren Löschwasser-Behälter im jeweils nächstgelegenen Gewässer. Unterstützung im Team (auch Modell-übergreifend) ist dabei möglich und auch erforderlich, um die schnelle Brandausbreitung und eine damit verbundene Ü ...
Date: 04/19/2024
... " mission. Versions available for: Mi-8, Mi-24P, UH-60L, AH ... . ::: Versions contained in the download ::: - Mi-8 - Mi-24 - UH-60L - AH ...
Date: 04/15/2024
Wielvakian Army Mi-8MTV Hip Pack contains 5 skins: -Mi-8 Wielvakian Army #85-368 -Mi-8 Wielvakian Army #88-466 -Mi-8 Wielvakian Army #92-501 -Mi-8 Wielvakian Army #98-203 -Mi-8 Wielvakian Army #Blank To install extract it to DCSWorld\Bazar\Liveries\mi-8mt Skin English DCS World Mi-8MTV2 Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute 04/11/2024 16:14:13
Date: 04/12/2024
Refurbished Mi-8 in National School Bus Yellow. Featuring a diamond plated kick plate and some styling inspired by the 1980s Crown Coach School Buses found in North America. Angry eyes and a chrome grin to let your enemies know you mean business and always hit your routes on time. Promotional tape: Skin Any language Any version Mi-8MTV2 Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution 03/27/2024 07:54:38 16.0000
Date: 03/31/2024
You are a "Battle Angel", a member of Blue's elite Helicopter Combat Rescue Team "Cesar". The battle for control of Mineralnye Vody has turned into a prolonged aerial conflict. You are tasked with retrieving downed pilots north of 'Cesar Ridge' and return them to a Field Hospital inside the safe zone (marked by red smoke). Expect opposition forces to be around that are searching for pilots, so perhaps bring a friend in a gunship. Version 1.1h (small fix for congregating ...
Date: 03/24/2024
České titulky pro tuto povedenou kampaň pro modul Mi-8MTV2 od tvůrce dggoofy. Odkaz na original kampaň: Tvůrce kampaně: dggoofy Soubor rozbalte a přímo zkopírujte do složky kampaně daného modulu ve hře. (DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\aircraft\Mi-8MTV2\Missions\Campaigns\) Kampaň se odehrává na mapě Sírie. Jste součástí tříčlenné posádky OSN plnící různé úkoly v rámci problému v oblasti. Předem se omlouvám za chyby v textu nebo ...
Date: 03/15/2024
Update 2024-03-09: New location: Elbrus Alpine Operations You are an 'Angel' - a member of one of the world's elite Search And Rescue airborne rescue squad. Take to the skies (and bring up to 23 friends) in your Hind, Huey, Hip or Gazelle [Black Shark and Apache can join, but can't rescue], and rescue people all over beautiful Batumi or in the Elbrus alpine regions. Angels of Caucasus ============ Version 1.45 - 2024-03-09 Helicopter Rescue Sandbox You are an "Angel" ...
Date: 03/09/2024

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