A skin pack of the RAF's 7 E-3Ds (represented as E-3As), split across 3 Squadrons, ZH101, 103 and 105, are represented as being on 8 Squadron, ZH102, 104 and 106 are represented as being on 23 Squadron which was disestablished in 2009 and merged with 8, and lastly, ZH107 represented as being on 54 Squadron, the RAF's ISTAR Training Squadron.
Due to limitations in DCS' textures the Roundel is on both wings, however the rest is as accurate as I can make it, and in the LUA, the skins are set to UK only.
8 and 23 are now both gone but 54 Remains to train RAF Pilots, Aircrew and Engineers on the RC-135W Rivet Joint and King Air 350 Shadow Aircraft.