United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP)

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SA342 Gazelle

United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP)

Тип - Текстура
Загрузил - Ogma
Дата - 09.01.2021 16:39:38
United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) is a United Nations peacekeeping force that was established in 1964 to prevent a recurrence of fighting following intercommunal violence between the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, to contribute to the maintenance and restoration of law and order and to facilitate a return to normal conditions.

This skin is based on the livery of a Gazelle of the UNFICYP Flight AAC, a unit of the British Army Air Corp based in Cyprus from the 27th March 1964 to the 30th September 1994 (Gazelles used from 1988).
The skin is modified to accommodated for the weapons.

Credit: This skin used a modified version of the "UN 664 SQN AAC Pilots" skin from Deathmechanic

Install as usual, extract the folder to either:
[...]\Users\Username\Saved Games\DCS\Liveries\SA342L (or SA342M or SA342Minigun or SA342Mistral) <- gentleman way
[...]\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\CoreMods\aircraft\SA342\Liveries\SA342L (or SA342M or SA342Minigun or SA342Mistral) <- barbaric but it works too
  • Лицензия: Свободная - Бесплатная версия, Неограниченное распр.
  • Язык: Любой язык
  • Размер файла: 25.98 Мб
  • Скачано: 512
  • Комментариев: 0