VNAO Ready Room (Multiplayer In Game Multicrew Version)

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DCS World 2.5

VNAO Ready Room (Multiplayer In Game Multicrew Version)

Загрузил - Particleman
Дата - 05.06.2020 19:54:28
Squadron briefing room for use in multiplayer missions. Support up to 25 pilots in one room with synced briefings.

Just place a new heli, make sure to set it to client, pick the livery if you have a custom one or pick from one of the two we provide and that's it. Fire up the server and you should see the 25 slots that pilots can join into.

v0.181  06242020  Particleman  VNAO Simulations
VNAO Ready Room (DCS Free Module)

Install Location:
<SystemDrive:>\Users\<User>\Saved Games\<DCS-INSTALL>\Mods\Aircraft\

We wanted to create a space where aviators could take part in briefings while all in the same environment aboard an aircraft carrier. The VNAO Ready Room features currently include:

v0.18 fix:
- Ready Room can now be placed on red or blue. (Was only placeable on blue before.)

- Re added the how-to readme file to the mod.

- Supports VR, TrackIR and 2d all with the same module.
- Space for up to 25 pilots all in the same room. (1st pilot slot controls the briefing presentation slideshow as well as the lighting. Also has access to the in game comms menu so they can trigger audio, mission triggers, etc.)
- Sync'd briefing screen that can be upd ated and used over Multiplayer sessions.
- Dimmable lighting (Map to an axis key to control the lighting via the 1st pilot slot.)
- Animated accent features
- Ambient audio to simulate the environment better
- Can be placed on the carrier or on land depending on what you need. (It's based on a heli so just place it 'takeoff from ground' or 'takeoff from runway 4' on carrier and you're all set!)
- Completely customizable posters, chair textures and whatever else you want to change to make it fit your squads liveries. (We provided two example liveries so you can see how the base, VFA-103/VF-84 Jolly Rogers, and the additional livery, VFA-115 Argonauts can be changed so squadrons can customize the room however they want.

We've spent many hours and lots of effort putting this module together and know the community  will enjoy it as much as we do. Every mission we do now begins and ends here. Debriefs are a lot more entertaining now.

We’d like to thank the many people who have helped create this amazing mod. MadMax, Nibbylot, Grinnelli, Splash, Firebird, Coke, the entire VNAO team for testing, suggestions and ‘constructive feedback’, ED for creating an environment to create content like this and many, many others who I probably forgot to mention.  Cheers!
  • Лицензия: Свободная - Бесплатная версия, Не для распространения
  • Язык: Любой язык
  • Размер файла: 256.42 Мб
  • Скачано: 2665
  • Комментариев: 50
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