RAF Harrier special edition in Pink "Trigger" Livery I accept no responsibility for the flying of this aircraft ;) Enjoy Install to X= Your drive X:\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Liveries\AV8BNA Skin English Any version AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute 04/24/2024 00:36:48
Data: 04/24/2024
Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog Profile v1.0 for AV-8B N/A Harrier - Functional layout - Includes one MODIFIER layer - TrackIR & rudder pedals required - Profiles (diff.lua) for stick and throttle included - MS Word layout included - The 'finicky' throttle Slew Control (T1) with its axes unmapped will be assigned as the MODIFIER button. This allows for a 2nd layer of useful functions. (Remap if you have a thumbstick slew mod like the one by Delta Sim or if you have the improved version of ...
Data: 03/18/2024
Killer Whale / Orca skin for the Harrier What you see is what you get. Felt like it fit for the Navy jet. Skin English Any version AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute 09/13/2022 01:48:27 292.0000
Data: 02/05/2024
Taking inspiration from heritage flights, and my own Marianas missions, I have created the 43 pattern Navy Tri-Color scheme for the harrier with the appropriate markings for the following carriers. CV-13 Franklin CV-12 Hornet Skin English Any version AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute 01/30/2024 23:43:55
Data: 01/31/2024
Help me to BETA test my Training mission. Welcome to the ultimate training mission in DCS (Digital Combat Simulator). This mission offers a comprehensive and diverse training experience for pilots. It features a wide range of modules, including fighters, bombers, helicopters, and ground attack aircraft. Within this mission, you can engage in various types of missions, such as free flight exploration, air-to-ground (A2G) operations, and air-to-air (A2A) engagements. The goal is to refine ...
Data: 08/07/2023
***profile meant to be used with Track-IR*** The key map for Logitech X52 Pro I've set for the harrier. Not the perfect one but that's what i'm used to; you can use it as a start to make up the best for you! Used Grim Reapers YT video to help key binding ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlFlXl9Wqmk&ab_channel=GrimReapers ) PNG picture inside winrar Keyboard: R Shift + J = autostart R Shift + H = NVG goggle set up Backspace = hide throttle and stick ****updated picture with nozzle ...
Data: 07/28/2023
Segunda y última parte de las misiones de la campaña Andros para aprender a volar el Harrier en un entorno que no sea demasiado dificil. Harrier+ Escenario de Siria. MAs informacion en http://overlordsbriefings.blogspot.com/search/label/OPERACION%20ANDROS Segunda parte de las misiones de la campaña Andros para aprender a volar el Harrier en un entorno que no sea demasiado dificil. Harrier+ Escenario de Siria. MAs informacion en http://overlordsbriefings.blogspot.com/search/ ...
Data: 07/06/2023
VX-31 Skin for the AV-8BNA Harrier. VX-31 Skin for the AV-8BNA Harrier. (Tanks and Pods included) Livery made on Stream: https://www.youtube.com/@ditch3rgames Install in your saved games folder. Package was created with OVGME. If you find any issues please let me know and I'll update it as necessary. Skin English Any version AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute 04/26/2023 18:44:59
Data: 04/27/2023
Fun livery made on stream with a WWII Retro Vibe. https://www.youtube.com/@ditch3rgames Install in your saved games folder. Package was created with OVGME. https://www.youtube.com/@ditch3rgames Come hang out on Discord as well: https://discord.gg/74nes6SR4T If you find any issues please let me know and I'll update it as necessary. Skin English Any version AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute 03/06/2023 20:17:34
Data: 03/07/2023
Helicopter (and fixed wing / light attack) Sandbox with randomized targets and CSAR missions.. This missions requires mods and a mod-less version will NOT be provided. Helicopter Sandbox 4. This mission was designed for my personal use, as a fun and “quick to action” mission with randomized enemies for replayability.. Initially it was intended to be for helicopters only but I added some fixed wing slots. It is provided as I fly it and a “mod-less” version will not be provided. The mission is ...
Data: 01/06/2023

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