DCS: Black Shark 2

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DCS: Black Shark 2 es una simulación del helicóptero de ataque ruso Ka-50 y la siguiente entrada en la serie de combate de Digital Combat Simulator. DCS: Black Shark 2 es una versión muy mejorada del DCS: Black Shark original que aporta muchas características nuevas.

El Ka-50 Black Shark es un helicóptero de ataque ruso monoplaza único y letal que ha combatido en el norte del Cáucaso. Combina un sistema de doble rotor de alto rendimiento con una mortífera carga de misiles guiados, cohetes, bombas y un cañón de 30 mm. El Ka-50 también es único por su asiento eyectable.

Lanzado: 02.11.2011

«Ranet» Information Display System

The «Ranet» information display system is designed for processing and displaying flight, navigation and targeting information on the heads-up display and the IT-23 video indicator.

Head-up display (HUD) ILS-31

HUD and IT-23 with the Ranet information of display system

The head-up display (HUD) is modeled as a collimator optical device with focus set to infinity. This allows the pilot to look outside the cockpit through the HUD while still being able to read the symbols displayed on it.

Flight, navigation and targeting information is displayed on the HUD which is received from the «Ranet» information display system.

Helmet-Mounted Sight (HMS)

HMS pointer

The HMS system is designed to hand-off targeting information to the «Shkval» system. The angular coordinates from the HMS, as determined by the pilot's line of sight, are transmitting to the «Shkval» targeting system for cueing.

The field of view limits are ±60° in azimuth and from -20° to +45° in elevation.

OVN-1 Night Vision Goggles

Outside cockpit view through night vision goggles

Night vision goggles (NVG) are included to allow the pilot to navigate in dark / low-light conditions.


Autopilot control panel

The autopilot system is integrated with the targeting and navigation systems and it produces control input for automatic flight system for deviation of the helicopter from the assigned attitude and altitude.

Inertial Navigation System

The Ts-061 inertial navigation system includes a gyro-platform and three accelerometers, designed for the determination of the flight direction and the attitude of the helicopter. The system also measures accelerations to calculate inertial speed and position of the helicopter.

Air Data System

The air data system is designed to receive input from various instruments, process these inputs and then present them to the pilot.

Doppler Navigation System

The doppler navigation system is used to determine the speed and angle of drift of the helicopter.

Data-link Equipment

Data-link control panel

The data-link system allows exchange of up to 16 targets and reference points between helicopters. The automatic exchange of ownship coordinates is updated between the four aircraft of a flight. This data-link information is displayed on the ABRIS.

L-140 «Otklik» Laser Warning Receiver

Laser warning indicator

The laser warning receiver detects combat range-finders and laser designators. If the helicopter is lased, an indication of the type of laser is provided and the location quadrant that the laser is being detected from.

Countermeasures Equipment

Original appearance of countermeasure dispensers
UV-26 dispensers control panel

The countermeasures dispensers are located on the wing tips.

For the programming of countermeasure dispensers, the UV-26 control panel is used. Depending on the type of threat, the pilot can set the appropriate dispenser program for expending chaff and/or flares. The pilot can determine the number of flares to dispense in the volley, the time between each flare, and the time between volleys. Using the control panel it is possible to select with dispenser to use (left or right) and when to start or stop the dispensing program.