FW-190D9 Red13 JV44

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FW-190D9 Red13 JV44

Tipo - Livrea
subido por - Mainstay
Fecha - 14.09.2014 14:50:01
FW-190D9 Red13 JV44 Flown by Hptm. Klaus Faber

Focke-Wulf Fw 190D9 Red 13 JV44 Munchen-Riem Germany late April 1945 The pilot of this aircraft has been identified as Hptm. Klaus Faber, a former member of JG27, JG6 and as depicted here JV44. Red 13 was rumoured to be exceptionally fast at low level.

Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-9, W.Nr. 213240, Oblt. Klaus Faber, Ainring airbase, Austria, May 1945

This aircraft also carried a slogan on the port side with a light hearted connotation to it, 'Rein Muss er, und wenn wir beide weinen' ('he must go in, even if we both cry'). Faber stated that on the 2nd or 3rd of May, 1945, he shot down one, prehaps two, P-47s near Bad Aibling. In all probability, he was flying this airplane at the time. Together with Wübke's Red '3', Red '13' fell into the hands of the Allies at Ainring. The black-white-red emblem on the port side of the fuselage under the cockpit designates Headquarters (black and white checkerboard) protected by the flight of red aircraft (red circle).
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  • Comentarios: 6
Etiquetas: FW 190, Fw190D-9, FW190D9, Skin
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