UH-1H, SLICK, 1.2.6

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UH-1H Huey

UH-1H, SLICK, 1.2.6

Tipo - Livrea
subido por - airwar
Fecha - 22.06.2013 04:22:04
Unzip and put folder in DCSW:
your disk:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Bazar\Liveries\uh-1h\

Unzip and put folder in DCSW:
your disk:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Bazar\Liveries\uh-1h\
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Idioma: Tutte le lingue
  • Tamaño: 2.47 Mb
  • descargado: 897
  • Comentarios: 0
Etiquetas: UH-1H, slick