DCS: Tic-Tac UFO

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DCS: Tic-Tac UFO

Tipo - Mod
subido por - riojax
Fecha - 31.07.2019 13:44:52
This is a tic-tac UFO inspired on the Nimitz incident:

The mod zip file must be uncompressed on: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Mods\aircraft

A pair example missions are included in the mod. The Su-27 module is required to fly it.
Have you fun!!!
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, file di licenza incluso
  • Idioma: Inglese
  • Tamaño: 5.88 Mb
  • descargado: 619
  • Comentarios: 10
Etiquetas: UFO, tic-tac, tictac
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