DCSW Su-27 - Fortress Mozdok Campaign (Patch for Game) (v2.56x)

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DCSW Su-27 - Fortress Mozdok Campaign (Patch for Game) (v2.56x)

Tipo - Campaña
subido por - MadDog-IC
Fecha - 28.08.2018 06:00:57
This is the Su-27 Fortress Mozdok Campaign that comes with the game by default, that has many fixes applied to make missions work as originally intended.

These missions are all Eagle Dynamics original work, but over the course of time, patches, and programming errors have arisen to break the missions, so I have corrected them as best I can and to make them a little more realistic and to work properly.

Installing the replacement Updates
- Copy the Mods directory from the Downloaded ZIP file into your ..\DCS World\ directory and overwrite all files.
- Run DCS Campaign from DCS as usual

Repairs done by MadDog-IC

Changelog 1.2 DCS v2.56 (20-08-2020)
Campaign - SU-27-Fortress Mozdok.cmp
- Missions 2, 2.5, 3, 4
    - Changed - RU SU-27 (Player) flight to 4 aircraft from 2 aircraft for better fight.

- Missions 4, 5
    - Changed - US F-15E (STRIKE) flight WP1 hold position to the coastline to delay its attack so SEAD can do its job before it arrives.

- Missions 7
    - Changed - US F-15C (SWEEP) flight loadouts to (AIM-9*4, AIM-120B*4, FUEL*3) from (AIM-120B*8, FUEL*3) for better balancing of fight.

- Missions 7, 8, 9
    - Changed - Voice overs, English for EN, simple pickle and success blips for all others.
    - Fixed - RU locales - Translations supplied by (Gornyak).

- Mission 8
    - Changed - RU-Sweep flights stop orbit command to FLAG=5 to match the radio order to attack.

- Missions 9
    - Changed - RU SU-34 (Antiship) flights to pairs of aircraft from 1 to tackle the US CVBG better.
    - Changed - RU SU-34 (Antiship) flights attack orders to better kill US CVBG.

Changelog 1.1 DCS v2.5 (28-06-2018)
Campaign - SU-27-Fortress Mozdok.cmp
- Briefing
    - Corrected - All Description Text and pictures to display English version if no other language available.
    - Corrected - All languages Briefing Text and pictures so not to display Spanish for English.

- All Missions
    - Snapped - All aircraft to parking bays and landing positions to runway.
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at Airports.
    - Changed - All Voice overs to Mono and resampled to 22khz.
    - (BUG) - Some translations incomplete: Mission 7 (ES, DE, KO, CS, RU).
    - (BUG) - Some translations incomplete: Mission 8 (ES, DE, CS, RU).
    - (BUG) - Some translations incomplete: Mission 9 (ES, DE, CS, RU).

Changelog 1.0
- Fixed - All arty fires at zones corrupt and had to be reloaded
- Fixed - All Airfields coalitions
- Fixed - All Aircraft waypoints, landing not snapped to runway.
- Fixed - All Aircraft callsigns and markings

DCSW v1.5x
- BUG - Happens on second run of mission mainly, first run works, then second one doesn't work
- BUG - Score not updating in real time as objectives achieved, Does show up at end of mission
- BUG - DCSW locks up on exiting mission.

Mission - Fortress Mozdok - 01 (Fam Flight).miz
- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Fixed - All Airfields coalitions
    - Fixed - All Aircraft waypoints, landing not snapped to runway.
    - Changed - all aircraft landings into wind
- Units
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Works Fine

- DCS v2.5x compatability
- Briefing
    - DATE:- 01-Jun-2011 changed to 15-Jun-2005
    - Time:- 09:10
    - Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE, KO.

- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All aircraft to parking bays and landing positions to runway.

- Units
    - Moved RU SA-10-1 out of trees.
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at US AFB (Gudauta).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at US AFB (Sukhumi).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at RU AFB (Mozdok).

- Weather
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - Fortress Mozdok - 02 (Drone Killer).miz
- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - All Fighter Sweep aircraft set to Search and Engage.
    - Fixed - All US ARTY corrupt arty "fire at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All Airfields coalitions
    - Fixed - All Aircraft waypoints, landing not snapped to runway.
    - Changed - all aircraft landings into wind
- Units
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - RU Su-27 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US F-15C (SWEEP) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Works Fine

- DCS v2.5x compatability
- Briefing
    - DATE:- 01-Jun-2011 changed to 16-Jun-2005
    - Time:- 16:10
    - Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE, KO.

- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All aircraft to parking bays and landing positions to runway.

- Units
    - Moved G ARMOR-1 out of trees.
    - Moved G ARMOR-3 out of trees.
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at US AFB (Gudauta).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at US AFB (Sukhumi).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at RU AFB (Mozdok).

- Weather
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - Fortress Mozdok - 02.5 (Relief).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - English VO for RU CAS flights
- Waypoints
    - All CAS aircraft set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircraft set to fightersweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All Airfields coalitions
    - Fixed - All Aircraft waypoints, landing not snapped to runway.
    - Changed - all aircraft landings into wind
- Units
    - Changed - US PATRIOT-3 to a patriot installation and not a Hawk installation

- Scoring
    - Changed - 50 + 30 + 50 (Start, US SWEEP DEAD, US ARTY DEAD)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - RU Su-27 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - RU Su-25T CAS 1+2 Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US F-16C (SWEEP) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Works Fine

- DCS v2.5x compatability
- Briefing
    - DATE:- 01-Jun-2011 changed to 17-Jun-2005
    - Time:- 06:35
    - Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE, KO.

- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All aircraft to parking bays and landing positions to runway.

- Units
    - Moved G ARMOR-1 out of trees.
    - Moved G ARMOR-3 out of trees.
    - Moved G ARTY-1 out of trees.
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at US AFB (Gudauta).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at US AFB (Sukhumi).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at RU AFB (Mozdok).

- Weather
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - Fortress Mozdok - 03 (Incursion).miz
- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - All Fighter Sweep aircraft set to fightersweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area
    - Fixed - All Airfields coalitions
    - Fixed - All Aircraft waypoints, landing not snapped to runway.
    - Changed - all aircraft landings into wind
- Units
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - RU Su-27 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US F-16C (SWEEP) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US F-16C (TARGET) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Works Fine

- DCS v2.5x compatability
- Briefing
    - DATE:- 01-Jun-2011 changed to 18-Jun-2005
    - Time:- 19:50
    - Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE, KO.

- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All aircraft to parking bays and landing positions to runway.

- Units
    - Moved G ARMOR-1 out of trees.
    - Moved G ARMOR-3 out of trees.
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at US AFB (Gudauta).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at US AFB (Sukhumi).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at RU AFB (Mozdok).

- Weather
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - Fortress Mozdok - 04 (Hold the Line).miz
- Triggers
    - Changed - Incorrect unit30 to Player in US Gudauta sweep zone.
    - Changed - US STRIKE over nal'chik to BOMBS IN ZONE instead of just being over the runway.
- Waypoints
    - All Fighter Sweep aircraft set to fightersweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All Runway Strike aircraft set to RUNWAY STRIKE -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - All Airfields coalitions
    - Fixed - All Aircraft waypoints, landing not snapped to runway.
    - Changed - All US STRIKE PACKAGE timings completely re-done
    - Changed - All US STRIKE PACKAGE heights and speed so to fly over mountains with out crashing.
- Units
    - Disabled - RU SU-27 (PLAYER ESCORT) by late start, did this to balance out mission in v1.216

- Score
    - Changed - 50 + 15 + 15 + 50 (Start, US SEAD ESCORT DEAD , US SEAD DEAD, US STRIKE DEAD)
    - Removed - -50 score for losing, so you stay don't go back a mission on failure.
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - RU Su-27 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - RU Su-27 (ESCORT) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - RU Su-27 (MOZ DEF) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US F-16C (SWEEP) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US F-16C (SEAD) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Passive Defence, Restrict Jettison = ON, ROE = Hold Fire    
    - Changed - US F-15C (SEAD ESCORT) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US F-15E (STRIKE) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Passive Defence, Restrict Jettison = ON, ROE = Hold Fire
    - Changed - Time of Day from 05:05 to 05:50 as was darker than original
    - Works Fine

- DCS v2.5x compatability
- Briefing
    - DATE:- 01-Jun-2011 changed to 19-Jun-2005
    - Time:- 05:50
    - Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE, KO.

- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All aircraft to parking bays and landing positions to runway.

- Units
    - Moved G ARMOR-1 out of trees.
    - Moved G ARMOR-3 out of trees.
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at US AFB (Gudauta).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at US AFB (Sukhumi).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at RU AFB (Mozdok).

- Weather
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - Fortress Mozdok - 05 (Fortress Mozdok).miz
- Triggers
    - Changed - US STRIKE over Mozdok to BOMBS IN ZONE instead of just being over the runway.
- Waypoints
    - All Fighter Sweep aircraft set to fightersweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All Runway Strike aircraft set to RUNWAY STRIKE -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - All Airfields coalitions
    - Fixed - All Aircraft waypoints, landing not snapped to runway.
    - Changed - All US STRIKE PACKAGE timings completely re-done
    - Changed - All US STRIKE PACKAGE heights and speeds to stop them crashing into terrain.
- Units

- Score
    - Changed - 50 + 15 + 15 + 50 (Start, US SEAD ESCORT DEAD , US SEAD DEAD, US STRIKE DEAD)
    - Removed - -50 score for losing, so you don't go back a mission on failure.
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - RU Su-27 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - RU Su-27 (ESCORT) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - RU Su-27 (MOZ DEF) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US F-16C (SWEEP) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US F-16C (SEAD) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON    
    - Changed - US F-15C (SEAD ESCORT) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US F-15E (STRIKE) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    -  Works Fine

- DCS v2.5x compatability
- Briefing
    - DATE:- 01-Jun-2011 changed to 20-Jun-2005
    - Time:- 10:25
    - Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE, KO.

- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All aircraft to parking bays and landing positions to runway.

- Units
    - Moved G ARMOR-1 out of trees.
    - Moved G ARMOR-3 out of trees.
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at US AFB (Gudauta).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at US AFB (Sukhumi).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at RU AFB (Mozdok).

- Weather
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - Fortress Mozdok - 06 (Blinders).miz
- Triggers
    - Removed - Loss = RU Su-27 (Player) DEAD.
- Waypoints
    - All Fighter Sweep aircraft set to fightersweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - All Airfields coalitions
    - Fixed - All Aircraft waypoints, landing not snapped to runway.
- Units
    - Fixed - US F-16c(SWEEP) taking-off in the opposite direction of runway at Gudauta and crashing (Reloaded weather parameters and they took of from opposite end successfully)

- Score
    - Changed - 50 + 15 + 50 (Start, US AWAC-1 ESCORT DEAD , US AWAC-1 DEAD)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - RU Su-27 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US F-16C (SWEEP) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US F-15C (AWAC-1 ESCORT) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON    
    - Works Fine

- DCS v2.5x compatability
- Briefing
    - DATE:- 01-Jun-2011 changed to 21-Jun-2005
    - Time:- 13:55
    - Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE, KO.

- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All aircraft to parking bays and landing positions to runway.

- Units
    - Moved G ARMOR-1 out of trees.
    - Moved G ARMOR-3 out of trees.
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at US AFB (Gudauta).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at US AFB (Sukhumi).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at RU AFB (Mozdok).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at RU AFB (Nalchik).

- Weather
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE

Mission - Fortress Mozdok - 07 (Clean Sweep).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - VO for RU SEAD Flight and COMMAND
- Waypoints
    - All Fighter Sweep aircraft set to fightersweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
- Units
    - Fixed - All Airfields coalitions
    - Fixed - All Aircraft waypoints, landing not snapped to runway.
- Score
    - Changed - 50 + 20 + 10 + 50 (Start, US PATRIOT-3 DEAD, US F-15c (SWEEP) DEAD, Both US PATRIOT-3 AND US F-15C (SWEEP) DEAD)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - RU Su-27 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - RU Su-24m (SEAD) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US F-15C (SWEEP) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Works Fine

- DCS v2.5x compatability
- Briefing
    - DATE:- 01-Jun-2011 changed to 22-Jun-2005
    - Time:- 17:25
    - Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE, KO.

- Translation Errors
    - (BUG) - *** (All missing ES, DE, CS, RU language translations needed for Trigger Messages)
        - ONCE (SEAD - On Station) -> ACTIONS -> MESSAGE TO ALL (???????)
        - ONCE (SEAD - IP Inbound) -> ACTIONS -> MESSAGE TO ALL (???????)
        - ONCE (SEAD - Success) -> ACTIONS -> MESSAGE TO ALL (???????)
        - ONCE (Loss = RU SU-24M (SEAD) DEAD) -> ACTIONS -> MESSAGE TO ALL (???????)
        - ONCE (Win = US SWEEP DEAD) -> ACTIONS -> MESSAGE TO ALL (????????)

    - (BUG) - *** (All missing DE, KO language translations needed for Trigger Radio Messages)        
        - ONCE (SEAD - On Station) -> ACTIONS -> RADIO ITEM ADD (???????)
        - ONCE (SEAD - IP Inbound) -> ACTIONS -> RADIO ITEM REMOVE (???????)

- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All aircraft to parking bays and landing positions to runway.

- Units
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at US AFB (Gudauta).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at US AFB (Sukhumi).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at RU AFB (Mozdok).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at RU AFB (Nalchik).

- Weather
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE (BUG)

Mission - Fortress Mozdok - 08 (Take Down).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - VO for RU-SEAD 1+2, RU-STRIKE 1+2, RU-SWEEP, COMMAND
    - Fixed - RU SEAD Flights radio calls - a bit mixed up.
    - Changed - RU STRIKE 1+2 Win conditions to BOMB IN ZONE instead of just flying over airfields
    - Changed - TRIGGER TO ACTIVATE US-CAP flights from orbit (flag=20)
- Waypoints
    - All Fighter Sweep aircraft set to fightersweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All Runway Strike aircraft set to RUNWAY STRIKE -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - All Airfields coalitions
    - Fixed - All Aircraft waypoints, landing not snapped to runway.
    - Changed - RU Tanker paths to clear US AAA Defences
    - Changed - All RU STRIKE PACKAGE timings completely re-done
    - Changed - All RU STRIKE PACKAGE heights and speeds to stop them crashing into terrain.
- Units
    - Changed - US-Patriot-3 to RU-SA-11-2 as was incorrect should be RU BUK guarding Nalchik
- Scoring
    - Changed - 50 + 15 + 15 + 50 (Start, US CAP-1 - CAP-3 DEAD , US AD1-4 DEAD, US Airfields Bombed)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - RU Su-27 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - RU Su-27 (SWEEP) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - RU Su-34 (SEAD) Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON    
    - Changed - RU Su-24 (STRIKE) Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON    
    - Changed - US FA-18C CAP-1 Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US FA-18C CAP-2 Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON    
    - Changed - US FA-18C CAP-3 Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - (BUG) - RU SU-27 (SWEEP) and RU SU-27 (PLAYER) gets stuck on nalchik runway if both set to take of from ramp (BUG)
    - Works Fine

- DCS v2.5x compatability
- Briefing
    - DATE:- 01-Jun-2011 changed to 23-Jun-2005
    - Time:- 07:55
    - Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE, KO.

- Translation Errors
    - (BUG) - *** (All missing ES, DE, CS, RU language translations needed for Trigger Messages)
        - ALL TRIGGERS -> ACTIONS -> MESSAGE TO ALL (???????)

    - (BUG) - *** (All missing ES, DE, CS, RU language translations needed for Trigger Radio Messages)        
        - ALL TRIGGERS -> ACTIONS -> RADIO ITEM ADD (???????)

- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All aircraft to parking bays and landing positions to runway.

- Units
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at RU AFB (Mozdok).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at RU AFB (Nalchik).

- Weather
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE (BUG)

Mission - Fortress Mozdok - 09 (Davy Jones Locker).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - VO for RU-STRIKE PACKAGE and COMMAND
    - Added - US CAP-4 and CAP-5 as backup off of the US Carrier when US CAP3,4 is dead.
- Waypoints
    - All RU Fighter Sweep aircraft set to fightersweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All RU SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - All RU Anti-ship aircraft set to ANTI-SHIP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - All Airfields coalitions
    - Fixed - All Aircraft waypoints, landing not snapped to runway.
    - Changed - All RU STRIKE PACKAGE timings completely re-done due to RU SU-27 (Player) flight having no impact on mission outcome.
    - Changed - All RU STRIKE PACKAGE heights (4000 - 6000) and speeds (1000) to give them some wiggle room.
- Units
    - Changed - RU TU-22 (Anti-ship) 1 + 2 to attack carrier only, RU TU-22 (Anti-ship) 3 + 4 to attack other Heavy armed boats
    - Changed - RU SU-34 (Anti-ship) 1- 4 to attack all heavy armed boats.
- Scoring
    - Changed - 50 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 50 (Start, US CAP-1, US CAP-2, US CAP-3 DEAD, US CARRIER GROUP DEAD)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - RU Su-27 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - RU Su-27 (SWEEP) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - RU Su-34 (ANTI-SHIP) Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON    
    - Changed - RU Tu-22 (ANTI-SHIP) Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US CAP-1,2,3,4,5 Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US AWAC (ESCORT) Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - BUG ***** New to v1.56 - Can't kill carrier group anymore ***** BUG
    - Works Fine

- DCS v2.5x compatability
- Briefing
    - DATE:- 01-Jun-2011 changed to 24-Jun-2005
    - Time:- 13:20
    - Checked - Localizations EN, RU, CN, CS, ES, DE, KO.

- Translation Errors
    - (BUG) - *** (All missing ES, DE, CS, RU language translations needed for Trigger Messages)
        - ALL TRIGGERS -> ACTIONS -> MESSAGE TO ALL (???????)

    - (BUG) - *** (All missing DE language translations needed for Trigger Radio Messages)        
        - ALL TRIGGERS -> ACTIONS -> RADIO ITEM ADD (???????)

- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Snapped - All aircraft to parking bays and landing positions to runway.

- Units
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at RU AFB (Mozdok).
    - Repositioned - All aircraft at RU AFB (Nalchik).

- Weather
    - Working Fine
------------------------ DONE (BUG)
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versión gratuita, distribución libre
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Tamaño: 6.38 Mb
  • descargado: 2198
  • Comentarios: 10
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