UAE C-17a

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DCS: World 2.5

UAE C-17a

Tipo - Livrea
subido por - marvin.palmer
Fecha - 28.05.2018 16:53:31
UAE Air Force has purchased 8 of them and they are MSN 1223-1230. (old data)

Place in your Main DCS Folder "xx:\DCS World OpenBeta\Bazar\Liveries\c-17a"
I have included a low res as well.

Adding a little more realism with aircraft within the newly released PG Map.
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Idioma: Inglese
  • Tamaño: 1.82 Mb
  • descargado: 735
  • Comentarios: 4
Etiquetas: UAE C-17a Transport