Steel Winter Multiplayer Mission Six ver.2(for release ver 1.5.5)

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A-10C Warthog

Steel Winter Multiplayer Mission Six ver.2(for release ver 1.5.5)

subido por - Winston60
Fecha - 14.01.2017 07:13:17
Mission Six of Steel Winter - an ongoing Multiplayer co-op campaign project for A-10C's and A-10A's

* Update: Jan 17, 2017 Uploaded version 2 (fixed two small bugs)

Steel Winter is a series of multiplayer co-op missions for A-10A and A-10C pilots. This mission was built in Ver 1.5.5 release using the mission editor only, no additional scripting. No mods are required.

This will be the last mission for now. I may continue with this at a later date after spending some time with the US Navy Squadron Su-33 Carrier Ops missions.

The Situation:
The General is on the move! Satellite surveillance has spotted 4 identical convoys moving out from Kobuleti in all directions. Intel is positive he's in a vehicle in one of those convoys... but we don't know which one! Your A-10's are armed with Mavericks, LGB's(A-10C), Iron Bombs(A-10A) and, of course, Guns. We have exhausted our supply of cluster bombs. You may start engines whenever you want, but DO NOT leave your hangars until after the voice briefing. The Predator drones will spot the convoys for you as they leave Kobuleti and disperse. Fly towards your waypoint 2 and make contact with the first drone. Once you have destroyed the first convoy, follow instructions and proceed to the next available drone. To contact any of the other drones when they arrive, just fly close to them.

Depart from Kutaisi airbase and with help from the Drones, hunt down and kill the General. Senaki-Kolkhi airbase can be used as an alternate airbase to Repair, Rearm and Refuel. At mission end, after landing at Kutaisi, look for the Easter Egg at the NorthEast parking revetment. Taxi to a position near the Comms tower/revetment.

Kudos to the Voice Actors who provide a unique service by producing recordings to make this campaign more fun. Their efforts greatly increase the immersion of the mission. Listen carefully for their announcements as these are your instructions on what to do.

Voice overs:
* Kimi "Sockmonkey" Hahn .... as 'Freak Show'
* ViKe .............................................. as 'Big Mac'
* Glenn "Apache600" Lilley .... as 'Viking'
* Bil "Bingo" Clark ...................... as 'High Roller 6'
* Micah .......................................... as 'Nacho'
** Do Not use my voiceover files in any other missions created for DCS. It's not fair to the hard work of the actors and to the hours I have spent to coordinate with the actors and to produce these voice files.

* Bud "Bad Bud" Smith

I'm providing a standard version for 2 to 3 players in any combination of A-10A's and/or A-10C's. Do not occupy all the slots, fly with 3 slots/pilots max or there may not be enough action to keep you entertained. Filename: SteelWinter-6.miz

I'm also supplying an alternate version for 4 to 6 players in any combination of A-10A's and/or A-10C's. Again, do not occupy all the slots, fly with 6 slots/pilots max or there may not be enough action. Filename: SteelWinter-6alt.miz

Choose your own server settings to customize the difficulty for your particular group, although I have locked "Fog of War" on the F10 Map setting, and civil traffic at "low".

I hope you find this entertaining. This "mini-campaign" is being built out of love for the A-10A which we fly often in our group and, of course, I didn't want to leave out the A-10C's. I'll be posting the single player version as soon as I can complete and test it.

Comments, critiques and discussion are welcomed and I'll try to answer any questions and give hints at the discussion topic here:
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versión gratuita, no distribuible
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Tamaño: 4.37 Mb
  • descargado: 1407
  • Comentarios: 0
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