UH-1H Cockpit notes

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UH-1H Cockpit notes

Tipo - Mod
subido por - MadDog80
Fecha - 17.03.2015 13:56:27
A few information notes around the UH-1H cockpit.

First is an INOP sticker over the NVG lights.  The second is a piece of paper noting what comm channel goes to what radio.


Place the UH1_central_panel_c.tga in the UH-1H-CPT-TEXTURES.zip

located in the:


****don't forget to make a backup of the original file.
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, non ridistribuire
  • Idioma: Inglese
  • Tamaño: 6.45 Mb
  • descargado: 1887
  • Comentarios: 1
Etiquetas: UH-1, UH-1H
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