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类型 - 单机任务
上传者 - jefx
日期 - 2011-06-19 16:32:06
*** DEATH CANYON : new single mission, very intense action *** (TESTED

0500 AM, bad weather, Black Sea coast.
You are in very dangerous territory surrounded by SAMs. The only way to win is to destroy the ennemy's CCC situated on the bank of a mountain lake at the end of a very deadly canyon run (at waypoint 11).
Take off in real bad weather and stay very very low to reach the canyon and fly low through the whole flightplan. Be careful to not take a wrong turn, there are SAMs in all lateral valleys. (manage your wingman so that it stays in trail, as close as possible).
Once you reach the lake, you will have to turn right very quickly and you will have a split second to lineup for a MK-82AIR delivery on the big smoking factory that houses the ennemy's CCC (Waypoint 11)
If you miss or you want to make a U turn, be very careful because there are more SAMs on the other side of the lake's valley and the cloud ceiling is at 6000'.
Once the factory is destroyed, you turn back the way you came in and make your way through your waypoints in reverse order (dont take a wrong turn!). If you did destroy the factory, most ennemy units on the way back will explode when you pass them!
Get back to base flying very low.
Suggested avionics : prepare everything before takeoff because things will be happening very quickly!
DSMS : select Mk-82AIR bombs.
ARM all systems right away.
TAD : if you whish, select TAD on both MFCDs to have a easier look at each turn.
Coutermeasures : put on full auto.
Alt Alert : select a 200' altitude alert in order to fly real low.

Be ready for real action! THERE ARE ABOUT 200 SAMS there, most of lower threat but still... (please, turn off labels for more suprise and fun!)
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 156.64 Kb
  • 下载数: 1679
  • 评论: 4
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