Operation Perched Eagle: 1630, version 2.08, Summer

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DCS: World

Operation Perched Eagle: 1630, version 2.08, Summer

类型 - 联机任务
上传者 - Chameleon_Silk
日期 - 2014-05-05 18:15:56
::Player slots:::
4 * Su-25 "Tankovy"
12 * Su-25 "Grach"
4 * A-10C "Warthog"
4 * A-10A "Thunderbolt II"
1 * Su-27 "Flanker B"
1 * MiG-29S "Fulcrum"
2 * F-15C "Eagle"
4 * KA-50 "Black Shark"
2 * Mi-8MTV2 "Hip"
2 * UH-1H "Huey"
4 * Observer Slots
2 * Tactical Commander
2 * JTAC

Operation Perched Eagle contains unlimited tasks for each side to complete and CA support.

As Russia withdrew from South Ossetia due to political pressure Georgian and American forces launched a successful invasion of Abkhazia and are now looking to punch through the defenses on the north Georgian border and over run the town of Cherkessk.
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 1.97 Mb
  • 下载数: 1507
  • 评论: 2