DCS: World


类型 - 音效
上传者 - Fortran
日期 - 2013-07-31 18:25:30
Assigns every radar equipped vehicle (land & air) in DCS World A-10C with it's own unique RWR audio cue for both acquisition and locking to better assist in tracking and identifying potential threats as displayed visually by the radar warning receiver

Assigns every radar equipped vehicle (land & air) in DCS World A-10C with it's own unique RWR audio cue for both acquisition and locking to better assist in tracking and identifying potential threats as displayed visually by the radar warning receiver. All of the audio is brand new and created by myself, but draws reference/inspiration from the F-16 RWR sounds from Falcon BMS as a guide, with hardly any real world data to go on and seeing as both aircraft employ the AN/ALR-69 it seemed only logical that the sound set created for Falcon would work with the A-10C, however, whether it is realistic or not is another matter.


Either manually copy the files to your DCS World installation and overwrite or utilize JSGME to install the mod.

The file : DCS World\Sounds\Effects\Aircrafts\Cockpits\RWR\Threat NewUS.wav

is optional, although it will be installed with both JSGME or by copy/pasting the folder. It simply replaces the new version of ED's "new threat" sound with the old one which is currently installed with the game but unused. If you do not want to use this version simply either do not copy it over or replace it with the original (from the originals folder) after installation.

Backup copies of the two overwritten files are included should you wish/need to roll it back from a manual installation.


Either use JSGME or

Remove Directory - DCS World\Sounds\sdef\Aircrafts\Cockpits\RWR\RWRExpand ed\

Remove Directory - DCS World\Sounds\Effects\Aircrafts\Cockpits\RWR\RWRExp anded\

Replace - DCS World\Mods\aircrafts\A-10C\Cockpit\Scripts\AN_ALR69V\device\ALR69_param.l ua with ALR69_param.lua from the ORIGINALS folder in the rar file

Replace - DCS World\Sounds\Effects\Aircrafts\Cockpits\RWR\Threat NewUS.wav with ThreatNewUS.wav from the ORIGINALS folder in the rar file.



* Added audio cues for all active radar guided missiles


* Added audio cues for all radar equipped naval units to RAE
* TAC VIEW - Added Tac View reference for Naval Units in both desktop & mobile formats
* Balanced some of the lock tone volumes

V2 - Updated RWR symbols based on Eddies input.

* Remove the leading zeros from the single digit SAM systems (08 now = 8 etc.)

* The P-19 Search RADAR RWR symbol changed to "S"
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 不允许分发
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 1.24 Mb
  • 下载数: 7143
  • 评论: 12
标签: DCS A-10C, RWR, Sound, Audio