F-4G (F-4E) - Wild Weasel (81st TFS, 52nd TFW) - Operation Desert Storm

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F-4G (F-4E) - Wild Weasel (81st TFS, 52nd TFW) - Operation Desert Storm

类型 - 涂装
上传者 - easykiller03
日期 - 2024-05-25 01:15:56
F-4E-45MC livery based on F-4G AF#69-7571 which was a USAF F-4G Wild Weasel V, assigned to the 81st Tactical Fighter Squadron, of the 52nd Tactical Fighter Wing, during Operation Desert Storm.

69-7571 was the last American F-4 to be lost due to hostile action in a combat zone.  69-7571 launched on a SEAD mission during the opening hours of Operation Desert Storm.  During it's sortie, 69-7571 suffered damage from AAA fire, puncturing several fuel cells.  After completing their sortie, pilot Capt. Tim Burke, and WSO Capt. Juan Galindez attempted an emergency landing at King Khaled Military City Airport, in Saudi Arabia, but due to poor visibility they were unable to land after several attempts.  

After running out of fuel, Burke and Galindez were forced to eject.  Both Burke and Galindez survived the ejection.  69-7571 then crash landed in the desert outside of KKMC, and was later stripped of equipment and buried in the desert by US forces.  

69-7571 was the last American F-4 to be lost in combat and the only F-4 lost during Operation Desert Storm.  
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  • 评论: 5