Connos - Operation Piercing Fury

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DCS World 2.9
A-10C II

Connos - Operation Piercing Fury

类型 - 战役
上传者 - connos
日期 - 2024-04-21 16:56:45
Map - Caucasus
This is Piercing Fury Campaign for the A10C II fixed for DCS 2.9. Fixed several issues with almost all missions.
Adjusted and fixed all the Missions in the  Campaign to work with the latest Version of DCS.
This is one of the best Campaigns created and I want to thank the creator for the amazing Job he did.
For any issues please let me know.

The Only "issue" that I couldnt fixed is with Mission 5 and 6 the helis take long time to Land but they eventualy land and the mission is able to progress. I will update the files if I find a way to fix this.

Update 25/04/2024: Mission 5 and Mision 6 are now fixed no need to wait for progress.
Uptade 29/04/2024: Mission 6 loadout fixed.

Planed changes. Starting parking to be closer to the runway you have to take off.
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 153.91 Mb
  • 下载数: 295
  • 评论: 7
标签: A10-C2, campaign, Caucase